Delta2's Wish List For Christmas
Well I realized that a shit ton of games are coming out. Were coming up on Christmas and for this current generation of game systems we are in a period where game developers know what they can squeeze out of the systems. They know what AAA titles they can copy and how to. Pretty much its a bitchen time to be a gamer. So lets cut the shit and get to my personal wish list for pimp assed games.
Call of Duty World at War-I know that it won't be Call of Duty 4 but it will be fun because I love going back to World War 2. In this installment of CoD I get to go and slaughter the yellow hordes of Japan. Thats right a game where I can fight the Japanese, so few World War II games allow you to go kill some one who is foreign vs peoples who are actually related to most middle Americans (the Krauts). Plus they added the Flame Thrower which was my weapon of the year last year, better late than never I guess.
Left 4 Dead- Now I don't know if you know this but I loathe the undead. I outright hate them. This is a game where I get to slay my most immortal enemies and I relish this. I look forward for the slaughter of many of my foes. Left 4 Dead will not disappoint.

Well there you have it my current wish list for games that will be out by December 25th. Bastards just had to leave out all the other shit I want until after Christmas. FUCK THEM!
Gears of War 2- This is very easy. I can't stop giving my praises to GoW because of its fast action and cooperative play. Let me reiterate COOPERATIVE PLAY will make or break a game. GoW allowed Delta Leader and myself to beat the game on insanity level together. Many a fond memories came from those days.

Call of Duty World at War-I know that it won't be Call of Duty 4 but it will be fun because I love going back to World War 2. In this installment of CoD I get to go and slaughter the yellow hordes of Japan. Thats right a game where I can fight the Japanese, so few World War II games allow you to go kill some one who is foreign vs peoples who are actually related to most middle Americans (the Krauts). Plus they added the Flame Thrower which was my weapon of the year last year, better late than never I guess.

Burn Baby Burn
Left 4 Dead- Now I don't know if you know this but I loathe the undead. I outright hate them. This is a game where I get to slay my most immortal enemies and I relish this. I look forward for the slaughter of many of my foes. Left 4 Dead will not disappoint.

Corporate Zombies I LOATHE THEM
Dead Space- Its a game about a regular Joe the Plumber aka Miner who has to slay every fucked up alien undead monstrosity he can see. I hear they have changed it where instead of shooting my enemies in the head I have to shoot them in the balls. This I must try on my own.
Its Been A Long Time Mable...Care To Dance
Well there you have it my current wish list for games that will be out by December 25th. Bastards just had to leave out all the other shit I want until after Christmas. FUCK THEM!
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