I Hear Obama...
Well the elections over and I've been hearing a lot of scuttle butt about Obama so I figured I'd give you a list of things I hear about him.
- I hear Obama and Hannah Montana are the parents of the anti Christ
- I hear Obama is going to steal all of our TVs
- I hear Obama is going to give Bin Laden citizenship.
- I hear Obama is going to make 50 cent Sec of Defense.
- I hear Obama bathes in the blood of fetus's
- I hear Obama pimped out his family to pay for his campaign
Okay so if you haven't figured this out I'm making all of this shit up. Because all most all the things I have heard about how President Elect Obama is going to some how destroy this country. So let me be first to say SHUT THE FUCK UP! He is not going to do any damage that hasn't already been done.

Shit Son Super Man is Obamas Real Father
The current President has really screwed the pooch on this one not Obama. Fact George Bush sent our armies into Iraq where we were under strength and unable to secure the country after we shattered the Iraqi army, thus throwing us into the current guerrilla war we are in today. Fact the Republican run congress during the late 90s were the ones who deregulated Wall Street thus setting us on our current path.
I keep on hearing from uninformed coworkers that Obama is going to dissolve the Military, murder babies, and throw us into a deeper depression. Some one actually had the balls to tell me that it was back in 1993 that Clinton set us on the way to our current economic condition. WHAT THE FUCK. Only a moron would make such dumb assed claims. Clinton got us in the black for his last 3 years. Bush has been in the red for his entire presidency.
Bush has grown the government more than any other president since FDR not Obama. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how LIBERAL Obama and the Democrats are with their spending. All I have seen is out of control spending from the right. This is one major reason why I voted for Obama is because he is more conservative then the Republicans. The Republicans drove this country into the ground not the Democrats. I keep on hearing how they somehow worked some ninja magic to destroy out country but this is utter Bull Shit. The Republicans were in charge and it is their responsibility being the ones that were at teh wheel.
President Harry Truman had a sign that sat on his desk, it said THE BUCK STOPS HERE. I like that he did this because its very true. As President you are the chief executive of the country as well as the head of your political party. If your Party has been running afowl then it is your responsibility to whip them into shape. President George W Bush has not done this. He has fallen asleep at the wheel and will go down as one of the WORST presidents in history.
I don't want to hear from my family about how I've turned "Liberal" because of this. No the party that they loved so much has betrayed them not me. I will not support a party who believes that Scientific research is bad. The same party who believes that ideas should be free unless its against theirs. These are all ideas that the Republican pary hold and I will not support such a corrupt idiotic organization.
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