Sunday, April 11, 2010

To Terra Form Mars

Artists Rendition of A Kick Ass Terra Formed Mars
So I was watching this special about Terra forming Mars which if you don't know what Terra forming is your stupid. It is to make a dead planet more like Holy Terra, AKA give it a breathable atmosphere. If we are to ever really colonies Mars then we need to make it livable and if it is livable then we can transplant plant life on to mars and then we shall complete the Duel Kingdom of Holy Terra and Mars in the Sol system.

So anyway I was watching this special on Nat Geo, and this asshole comes on and says that Mars might have its own native microbes that could turn into life and we shouldn't put our plants on Mars or even interfere with the life on Mars and instead study it because we could learn a whole bunch from it.

He has an attitude kind of like they have on Star Trek, that you don't mess with mircobeial life because it might in a billion years evolve into life like ours. WELL FUCK YOU, YOUR A PUSSY LUDDITE WHO WOULD RATHER WATCH OUR SPECIES PERISH THEN SEE A MICROBE DIE...That's all I wanted to say as I think we all know that not Terra forming Mars is a very stupid idea as having two habitable planets in the same star system is much much better than one.


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