Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hello 2009

So I've been thinking a lot about the past year of 2008 the year of our Lord Norris and Its been pissing me off. You see I made a lot of predictions last year and the only one that didn't come true was the fact that Britney Spears is still alive.

With that out of the way lets face it last year really really sucked balls. So to recap 2008 we had a presidential election which was probably the global high point of the year. Rambo infact was the shit as well as the Dark Knight being the top movie of the year. I would also go and say that Gears of War 2 and GTA IV were the best games to come out. I had flashbacks to Mexico city when I had to return to Mexico in Rainbow Six Vegas 2 which although was fun was somewhat buggy in online play. Some good shit went down that I wont go into detail about. I got a new pimpmobile. Delta Leader and I were also schooled in the ways that Rock Band was a really fun game. That was the good.

For the bad we had a major offensive by the Taliban, the global economy took a nose dive, my girl friend left me because of my family, I had to support my family financially by myself (note that these last two are intertwined) Terrorists attacked India, they tore down a bridge that would make my commute across the Mississippi river much easier, I nearly bled to death (which should also go on the list of most Pimp acts of the year) George Carlin and Don Lafontaine both passed away, a B2 Bomber crashed, Iron Maiden didn't come out with a new Album (it wasn't supposed to come out but every year I don't get new Maiden I just die a little). Actually I could go on for ever.

Okay predictions for 2009

  • The Republicans will bitch about how they could run the economy better even though they drove it right into the ground.
  • The Economy will be still be very shitty for the whole year.
  • I will have my own place in which I can pray to Crom for the first time.
  • I will go on an epic crusade for the Immortal God Emperor of Man, Beloved by All
  • Delta2s consumption of yogurt will increase (note Watch Burn Notice to understand why)
  • Some stupid bitch will do something to piss Delta 2 off so much that he will right a blog about how much he hates her.
Well those are my predictions for 2009. Lets hope that this year doesn't suck as bad as last year but i doubt that will happen.


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