Sunday, August 27, 2006

Eject Eject Eject!!!

This is a personal blog so this might not be the regular kick in the face you normaly get.

I am a cuddle bitch. I can't beleive it. I was getting all the right signals letting me think that I had a target lock and I could go in with guns blazing. WRONG. Becasue of course I was never in the role of hunter. I was always just the god damn trusted friend...

Well at least you still have your pride... Wait you don't becasue it just blew up with your plane.

Ladys please do us a favor and if your nice to us, just say you see us ONLY as friends. Also don't base a future relationship with what has happened with previous dipshit boyfriends. Its insulting to those of us who know how to act around you properly.

So now where am I? Left crawling away from a crash that could have killed lesser men. In shock that I was on the cuddle bitch list the entire fucking time. This is the point when you look up to the sky and know that at least you got your wingmates up there. Always keeping an eye out for you.Thats my dreams. Sunk under the ocean.


Blogger Hiro Protagonist said...

For being shot down in the line of duty we shall commemorate your memory with a 21 flamethrower salute at your funeral. And strippers.

8:12 PM  

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