Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocodile Hunter

Today Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter died.

Its amazing how fast people jumped on the save the planet band wagon after his death. Discovery Channel is already changing the name of its out door garden in honor of Steve. He only died a few hours ago and they already turn him into a saint.

Only a year ago or so I remember a lets go shit on Steve fest after he almost fed his son Bob to a croc. Why is he all of a sudden a hero? Is it because he was killed by an animal? (He was stung through the heart by a sting ray)

Chicken was the main course and baby Bob was dessert

I mean honestly we all knew he was going to buy it one of these days. I had money that it was going to be a snake. But alas the lowly sting ray was the one that fraged poor Steve O.

I'm sure he has done alot for the animal community, but come on he was a dumb shit. He fucking played with wild animals for a living it was bound to happen. And another thing getting killed while doing what you like is not heroic. If I get killed by my laptop exploding that does not make me a hero. If a dip shit gets killed by an animal that does not make him a hero. Getting killed while fighting satan and his manyfold minions is heroic, Dyeing for ones emperor is heroic.


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