Wednesday, September 06, 2006


If your a freshmen then just don't even try. I know its hard being off away from mommy and daddy. But don't pretend your hot shit. Remember you have a 75% chance of droping out.

Anyone can get into college. But getting into college isnt actually the same as going to class day in and day out for four, five, even six years. Until you prove that you are actually serious about getting a universtity grade education.

The problem with your average freshmen is that they have it in their head that college is about living it up and partying. Funny all the people I knew from high school who did that shit in our first year are not coming back.

College is about growing up. And people who only play and "have fun" are proving that they can't handle the responsibility of their future. Do us a favor and don't go to college if you don't think you can handle it. It costs the tax payer to send your ass to school and I prefer to have my tax money spent on Tanks and Aircraft Carriers and not on stupid assed frat boys and sorority girls.

I'm a college student and I know how to use the potty.


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