Friday, September 08, 2006

Gojira Review

I finally saw Gojira. It is the original Japanes version of Godzilla King of the Monsters.

First of all Godzilla pwns up Japan. That in it self pwns up big time. It was like watching a one sided fight between a Cylon Centorian and a baby.Gojira has a total disregard for the electric company and other public utilites

So Gojira starts out with a small freighter that catches fire and sinks. All of the Japanes people are like holy shit what happened. And then Gojira rips the small island of Oda to hell. Gojira then decided to go and fuck up Tokyo. Tokyo is so seriously fucked that every one in Japan is like "ohh no we is going to die." We then find out about Dr Serizawa a mad scientist. He sat in his evil lab for the entire movie looking mad. We find out that he created a weapon known as the Oxygen Destroyer. He act like a pussy because he hasnt perfected it and he doesnt want it to fall in the wrong hands. But he realises that Gojira made many children cry and after seeing a tv broadcast of many crying children decideds to kill Gojira. He goes down in the ocean and sets off the weapon. Gojira is so manly that he fakes his death by dissolving his skin. We sit back and contemplate the evils of atomic weapons. Funny because we dont even see one god damn nuke in the entire film. Of course it doesn't matter because Godzilla is immune to everything but Chuck Norris.

Gojira says don't use public transit

Gojira is a pimptastic film. Because it proves that Godzilla can dissolve his own skin just for fun. I give this film 2 huge round house kicks to the face.


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