Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Steve Jobs Can Suck My Balls

I hate Mac computers. There I said it. Its not because they are physically shitty, far from it. Macs are generally put together quite well. And they do have an excellent warranty system with Apple Care. What I fucking hate about Apple is the people who use them. They walk around with a smug aroma that can only be described as ten day old shit slathered in blue cheese, and soaked in camel urine for five of those days.

Mac users act as if they are right and have a culture just because they use a different OS as the rest of the 95% of computer users. Guess what fucktards your a bunch of morons who are to stupid to use Windows and that is why you have to have Steve Jobs simple assed OS. Mac users will go on an on about how it just works. What is IT and how the fuck does IT JUST WORK? The thing is they just regurgitate what ever the hell Steve Bill Gates' Bitch Jobs says. To bad I see right through the bull shit of Apples dream team of marketers.

Take iTunes. What the fuck? First its not Vista computable at Vista's launch because Apple somehow didn't have time to develop iTunes for the next generation of OS that 95% of all computer users will be using. Then every one of the iTunes 7 series will delete your library for no reason. The other day I wanted to listen to some Metal but I was surprised to find that iTunes decided that it would be fun to delete all my songs and play lists. Luckily I backed up my music but I still lost my play lists.

Then we move to the iPod. Now an iPod is actually a good MP3 Player except it is dependent on iTunes, unless of course you want load a version of Linux on the iPod and that opens up a new can of worms. But I digress. iPod nanos used to be fucking tight, with the nice slim design and the flash drive. But guess what? Apple decided that you need to watch movies on a half inch screen and redesigned the nano so that its squat and fat. The good news about the redesign is that can watch movies on your new nano, the bad news is that the screen is so small that you will go blind. Not only is it a shitty design but they also released the most homo erotic colors I have ever seen. They all look like the kind of colors you would put on an Easter egg. I'm betting that Steve Jobs was smoking some reefer while coming up with his oh so gay color scheme.

Now we move to the iPhone. Oh how I loathe that piece of hard ware. I love how apple goes around and claims it invented touch screens even though palm pilots have been using them for years, or the fact that the scale I use at work is touch screen and thats like 15 years old. I also love how I can watch videos on my phone because we don't have a problem with people driving and talking on phones as it is, lets add people driving while watching youtube videos... Did I mention Youtube Videos?

Back to the iPhone. Apple markets the fact that its your "iPod and phone" this also means that when you run your batteries down while listening to your milly vanilly you wont be able to call for the tow truck because your car broke down and you'll have to give truckers hand jobs just to get a lift back to civilization. Good one Apple. The iPhones stupid features get even better, not only do you get to have a touch screen that will get smudged up extremely quickly but you also have no tactile touch. Thus you wont be able to feel for the nonexistent keys while dialing. So you have to look down at your phone while texting or dialing a number while your driving. Looks like Steve Jobs likes putting me at risk from his moronic "fan" base.
This is not the second coming of Norris so knock it off asshats!

Lastly did you know 80% of all Volkswagen drivers also use Macs. Have you ever noticed how snobby VW drivers are? Thats because they are the same assholes who think that product loyalty somehow equates to intelligence. Product loyalty is stupid and it shows how much of a douche you are. Instead of showing people you have a brain and buy what ever gives you the most bang for your buck you just show us that your to stupid to shop around and just buy the same overpriced shit day in and day out. Back to the VW angle, Volkswagens founder was a dear friend of Adolf Hitler, thus when you use a mac your not only supporting Steve Jobs your supporting Hitler.

And for the record I wrote this on an iMac at school.


Blogger Unknown said...

My three favorite things:

3. Apple Computers
2. iMac & iPhone
1. Steve Jobs & his followers

Livin' the iLife.

8:49 PM  

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