Thursday, November 30, 2006

A book that could kick you in the nuts.

I've been thinking of writing a book. It will be the most kick in the face read since Snow Crash of the early 90s

It will be in a completely new Sci Fi universe. The main characters will be a spec ops space marine squad. It will be about their training and missions, now that I think about it this is such an epic story that it will be a multi book series.


The characters will be loosely based off of the personalties of Delta Force. Delta Leader being the leader who doesn't play by the rules. Delta 2 will be a sniper who has an unhealthy love for teh head shot. Delta 3 will be the MG gunner and will have a strong resemblance to Animal Mother. I'm still developing the other three members of the squad.

The first book will be about the hard lessons of going through Special Forces training.

The second book can be about them being sent to a planet that is ripe for human conquest, just to find that the mission has become FUBARed because of some two faced politician. Don't worry the Politician will be publicly flogged when the public becomes aware of his treachery.

The third book in the series will be about how they must rescue POWs who have been declared MIA but because of tips from a wise ancient sage known as C N, he will be very bearded and very wise in the ways of the roundhouse kick, our team goes rouge to rescue the POWs because they know that leaving even one man behind is not acceptable.

The fourth book will be about how the Supreme Chancellor of the Human Consortium is caught on a planet that is under siege. Its up to our hero's to go in and rescue him while leaving a wake of destruction. We will see no fewer than 12 drop ships crash, as this will follow the tradition of drop ship/ helo crashes that are in every sci fi/military story.

Thats all that I can come up for the first set of books. I have a feeling that this story will be so epic that I'll probably have to write hundreds of books before I can end the series.

I want the first book to mirror Starship Troopers, in that it will let the reader get an understanding of how a future military functions and at the same time a very clear picture of society. This future wont have stupid shit like phasers and transporters. Instead my soliders shoot bullets, wear body armour, and wear NBC protection. Space ships have to follow Sir Issac Newtons physics. And they will carry weapons like MACs and Nukes.

Bill didn't want to read my book, to bad I had to send Bruno after his ass.

The enemy will be an evil alien, demonic, undead, cyborg species, that thinks with a hive mind. This way we can have every scifi baddy in one. They probably want to use human children to fuel their power grid. But they need a fresh supply of children because the are rendered useless once they turn 15.

They are also fucking communists. This will become a major point in the 12th book Mcarthy was right, burn the reds

I'll probably have at least one unique death per page, starting with the second book, as the first book will be about training and the kill count will only be kept at a low 176 corpses.

If you do not feel your testicals explode than I have failed as an author


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