Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Honor and Betrayal

"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word"-Tony Montana

I wont go into the details of what happened to me the other day but lets just say that I learned a valuable lesson about honor, duty, and loyalty. I learned that sometimes people will double cross you because they don't have the sense of honor that Delta Force has. They only think of themselves and are cowards. I learned that I understand the word honor.
Webster defines Honor as.
1. Honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.

My definition of Honor is to be never compromise, to never put those I care about in harms way, and to never betray them. To have unquestioning loyalty is a value that I hold dear to myself. To me betrayal was always an academic concept. I never truly understood what it would be to do such things to people who I felt loyal to. Well now I know that I can't trust some of my friends.

I take solace to know that the 9th level of hell is reserved for those who are traitors and betrayers. For those of you who haven't read Dante's Inferno. There are 9 levels of hell and the last one is where Satan lives. It’s because betrayal is the worst of all sins in god’s eyes. It’s kind of nice knowing that even I won’t have to stay in hell with Satan because I don't stab people in the back.

I've compiled a list of people who have been or are honorable.

1.) General Thomas Stonewall Jackson- Sure he was a rebel, but he was an officer in the Virginia militia and he carried out his orders to the note. He was the South’s best general because he fought for the honor of Virginia not for his own personal gain

2.) Admiral William Husker Adama-When he says that he is getting his people back he means it. Keeping ones word is in accordance of ones highest moral values and attests to this mans honor.

3.) Captain Scott Mitchell- He has led his team of SF soldiers through countless campaigns. Never failing at his near impossible objectives, he has covered America with honor.

4.) General Douglass MacArthur- He made a speech at West Point about carrying out ones Duty with Honor. Mac never liked the dishonor of leaving the Philippines so he came back with an army. He reclaimed his honor when he kept his promise that he would return.

5.) James Bond- The dude has been tortured countless times and he hasn't broken yet. For Queen and country all the way with this BAMF.

Potius Mori Quam Foedar- Death before dishonor


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