Saturday, October 21, 2006

RIP Battlestar Pegasus

The Battlestar Pegasus died like she lived, killing toasters.

On the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica Exodus Pt 2, the Battlestar Pegasus went to starship Valhalla, and she paved her way with not one, not two, but three cylon basestars.

In this episode of nBSG we saw Admiral Adama earn his place among the gods when he lured the Cylon Raider force away, FTL jumped into New Capricas atmosphere, launched vipers in the atmosphere while Galactica was falling(she is not an atmospheric capable starship)and then jump out into space before she hit the ground.

I have seen many combat drops in my day, but never have I seen a combat drop with a 4 kilometer long warship. This drop has earned the Express Elevator To Hell award. We also got to see what Adama means when he says close air support. (Edit October 25: This tactic is now called the Husker Hailmary)

Galactica was fighting off four Cylon Basestars and it looked pretty shitty. Admiral Adama was even questioning if the powers of his moustache would be able to keep the Galactica together. But then we see this

And then we see a Basestar go all boom. Commander Lee Adama decided to grow a pair of iron balls. He went in with the Pegasus and said FRAK YOU TOASTERS FRAK YOU. He was able to draw the Basestars away from the Galactica and draw them off from the escaping fleet.

But alas the mighty Battlestar Pegasus was in no shape to fight off now three basestars. Lee ordered his crew to abandon ship, and he thanked the old beast for one last horrah.

Alas after the evacuating crew leaves on the last raptors, Pegasus flys into one Basestar, and her launch pod goes carrening off into a second Basestar. Now it has been debated among scholars as to how this happened. Some say that before Lee left he sent her to ram the Basestar. I for one beleive that the mighty beast willed herself into the Basestar, as if she alone would take revenge for every Battlestar that was destroyed by the Cylons.SO SAY WE ALL

Admiral Adama got his people back like I said he would. He did so with the powers of the moustache and the sacrifice of the Pegasus.

The Cylon Empire will not soon forget the name Pegasus.


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