Thursday, November 16, 2006


Its weird how stuff happens to you in waves. Its like how when something shitty happens to you like your dog dieing and you think How can this day get anyworse? And then you find out that your best friend has been sleeping with your girl friend for six months and now shes knocked up with his love child. Not only that but its also your day off of work and you were planing to go play hockey, but because your dependable your called in to work because your coworker is a douche and had a tummy ache.

On the other side of the coin we have good Karma. Thats like your walking along down the street and you find a dollar on the ground, then you get a call from your friend who needs cash quick and has to sell his PC, and he knew you were in the market for one, and he is willing to sell it to you for only $600 even though its worth $1500 current market vaule. What do you do? Do you buy the PC? Do you willingly rip off a friend in need? Of course you do. But you have to up the cash if you want to stay in good standing with Karma. That means you pay him $800. Sure your paying more but you are doing a good thing by helping him out (he needs lots of cash, why else would he be selling his baby) But your still getting an incredible deal. You might even have enough Karma to last you so you can actually go out with the girl you really like.

The thing with Karma is that its alot like money. You earn good Karma over the years, it might be a long term investment so you might have to wait while it acumulates. And then when you see your Karma is good don't spend it all at once, because that will just cause BAD Karma. Then youll have the before mentioned dog dieing, gf knock upery, called in for work.

The thing we should all learn about Karma is that yes doing kind things for others will actually pay off in one way shape or form. It may never even be directly related to the good deed you did. Same thing goes with bad deeds. You may actually never get caught for holding up that poor chocolate banana vendor. But you'll probably find out that the IRS is doing an audit on you this year. No these two events arent linked, but you can bet that if you let the Banana stand go you would be whistling another toon.Karma- This is what happens when you play too many sports in high school.

Look at Hitler, Karma bit him in the ass. He had so much good Karma at first, he was able to build an empire that covered most of Europe. But then he was a dick about it and started to exterminate whole races of people. What happens when you fuck with Karma? It fucks with you thats what. In only a few short years Hitler had to eat a bullet after his empire was crushed into the stone age.

Remember boys and girls, the best way to build up good Karma is to do good deeds. It may take awhile but in the end it will be worth it. Also remeber if you are a good person and shitty stuff is happening to you that the way to get out of it is to remember that your probably going to win out in the end. Hell people who do succed at life are those who most likely had to go through some sort of hard time. People who do have it easy in life like athleats usually die at an increadibly young age of a heart attack or drug OD while sleeping with a crack whore. Sure the sports fanatics will remember them as a hero, but youll know that they got what they deserved in the end.

Just remeber to keep on trucking (Probably the most manly and inspirational fraze ever) and Night Stalkers Don't Quit. Because when those guys quit then you know your Karma is fucked.


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