Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Evil Council

I decided that I need to form an "evil" council that will further my goals towards world domination. My Council will be so evil, so nerdy that all who resist will be crushed.

I need the best and the brightest nerds to fill my council.

My list goes like this.

Bill Gates- He will be our finacial backer. Plus he also controls the 95% of the OS market. With Bills power we will be unstopable

Leonard Nimoy- Leonard will be the voice of the evil council. People always assumed that Mr Spock was right, so its only logical that they will assume that my orders are right too since Spock is saying them.

Teh Pwnerer- We're going to need some one to uber micro the Grand Army of Nerds. Jeremy has built an army of gamers before, it wont be hard to make an army of Nerds.

Weird Al- I like Weird Al and he is probably as nerdy as they come. I bet he can help work with Nimoy and help brainwash the masses with his Siren like voice.

Steven Hawkings- Steve is the smartest is todays great physicist. I need him to build a super weapon that will allow my evil council complete and total control of the world.

Seth Green- He played Dr Evils son for three movies so I'm sure he learned how to be evil.

Mike Wong- Mike is probably the smartest/ most mean person I've ever met. He runs a website and discussion forum and he takes plesure in crushing n00bs in debate. He's also an engineer, so he is going to be key in building my death ray.

I also plan on cloning an army based off of Vin Diesel and Temuera Morrison. Vin Diesel because he kicks ass and an army of him would be really tight. And Morrison because he played Jango Fett and the Grand Army of the Republic in Star Wars.
Grand Army of Nerd...Wheres your John Madden now BITCHES!!!

I'll also have many of my friends in key positions in the council. I appreciate my friends and believe in the rewards system. Who cares if some one else more nerdy, evil, and more qualified than my friends.

Be wary for one day my evil plan will come to fruition, with the help of the greatest nerds of all time.


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