A storms a brewing
Remember when I said summer sucked because no games were coming out. Well now its heading towards November and guess what. If we were in the doldrums than we are about to have the storm of the century hit. Beware for the end of our current civilization is about to end, what new world order will you join?
This is a very special year for gamers. Its because we get to have all three next gen systems this year. I have my money on the 360 to win out over the PS3 and the Wii in the long run, but it will be very interesting which system wins out for this year.
Lets look at all three systems shall we.
PS3: It looks like its a very very powerful system. I wouldnt mind buying one. With its library of the PS1 and PS2 its got a nice game line up already. The problem is that Sony thinks all Americans are made of shitloads of money. I'm not going to dish out the $600 plus cash for an extra controler and 2 games. I really want to love the PS3 I really do, but I can probably pick one up in three years at $150. I can wait. Hell I didnt pick up a PS2 until this last summer.
Wii: Ohh Nintendo how do I loathe you. Why do I get the feeling that Nintendo hates me? Is it because they named the system after a body function, is it because they think I want to look like an even bigger dork by waving the new controler around like a tool? Or is it that Nintendo is going to screw me over on games. Don't get me wrong I love Mario, and Zelda. I hate how Nintendo has to sell a system because it is the only system that has Mario, Zelda, and Mertroid Prime. Thats it. That is how they are going to out sell Sony and Microsoft. They were only able to get one true Mario game out for the gamecube, 2 Metroid games, and one Zelda game. (Zelda twilight princess doesnt count because its for both systems. Mind you I have had TP on back order since May 05.)
"But Ed you also get to download all of the old Nintendo games online." Great I get to download games I already own for my gameboy. Nintendo makes great handhelds, I own many different gameboys including a DS. They are also great at reselling games to me. Well guess what Nintendo I'm not going to get a Wii just so I can replay Mario Kart 64. Its like Nintendo has become the Mac of the gameing industry. They once sold the best stuff, but now they suck ass and have an elitist attitude, but make kickass hand held gear.
Ive been told that the great thing with Wii is that I get an internet service. Guess what assholes my Gamecube was supposed to get internet too. I get internet service with my xbox and my PS2. Why in the hell didnt I get internet with my gamecube. Ohh yeah Nintendo sucks ass. The only diffencne between the Wii and the gamecube is that the Wii will suppposedly have the internet service actually work, more RAM, and the stupid assed new controler that is going to change the market. For one it has fewer buttons than the gamecube controller. I need more buttons not less asshats, second The new point and shoot thing this controller can do has been done before, its called the ligth gun. Ohh yeah Nintendo stoped doing the lightgun after the SNES. Thats because its just a stupid gimick.
Don't lie about 3rd party developers eaither Nintendo. I know you hate them. Notice that after a year Nintendo was releasing first party games for gamecube nearly exclusivly. The only 3rd party game that came out in that time period, that was good is Resident Evil 4.
I don't want a Wii, I might pick one up after its under $100 and if it has a new controller. I mean hell if I'm to sit on my ass all day I dont want to be looking like these assholes.

Xbox 360: I'm going to come out and say that I'm probably going to get a 360. Sure it costs $500, but its been on the market for a year and its going to drop after christmas i bet. Its going to have a hell of a nice lineup of games this time next year. I hate Halo on xbox live I do like the games though, so I'll definatly have my copy of Halo 3 backordered. Plus with the backwards compatability I'll be able to play about 80% of my old Xbox games. I also like the xbox s controller the best out of the three current controllers, and the 360 controller is very similar to the controller s. (Yes the feel of a controller can sell me on a console)
PC gamers How can I forget you guys. You are the very hardest most BA of all gamers. We shall not be disaponited with the new lineups coming out
Guitar Hero II: Guitar Hero was the game that made me break down and buy a PS2 This game will kick so much ass.
God of War II: Its like GoW one but more bloody.
Gears of War: This will be the first game I get for the 360, Its got my 2 favorite game concepts. Killing Xenos, and a squad of buddys to help you out.
Close encounters of the third kind
DOW Dark Crusade: I already picked this one up and wow, I have now served the Emperor on a Crusade, and it feels good.
Company of Heros: Its got another one of my favorite concepts, killing krauts.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: Ive had this game on backorder for over a year and a half, Its going to pwn and its going to be for my god damn gamecube.
Half Life 2: Episode 2: A few things, one its going to be out after christmas, two I wont be able to play it until after I build my new PC, and three it will also come with Team Fortress 2 which will kick so many people in the face its not funny.
This is a very special year for gamers. Its because we get to have all three next gen systems this year. I have my money on the 360 to win out over the PS3 and the Wii in the long run, but it will be very interesting which system wins out for this year.
Lets look at all three systems shall we.

PS3: It looks like its a very very powerful system. I wouldnt mind buying one. With its library of the PS1 and PS2 its got a nice game line up already. The problem is that Sony thinks all Americans are made of shitloads of money. I'm not going to dish out the $600 plus cash for an extra controler and 2 games. I really want to love the PS3 I really do, but I can probably pick one up in three years at $150. I can wait. Hell I didnt pick up a PS2 until this last summer.
Wii: Ohh Nintendo how do I loathe you. Why do I get the feeling that Nintendo hates me? Is it because they named the system after a body function, is it because they think I want to look like an even bigger dork by waving the new controler around like a tool? Or is it that Nintendo is going to screw me over on games. Don't get me wrong I love Mario, and Zelda. I hate how Nintendo has to sell a system because it is the only system that has Mario, Zelda, and Mertroid Prime. Thats it. That is how they are going to out sell Sony and Microsoft. They were only able to get one true Mario game out for the gamecube, 2 Metroid games, and one Zelda game. (Zelda twilight princess doesnt count because its for both systems. Mind you I have had TP on back order since May 05.)
"But Ed you also get to download all of the old Nintendo games online." Great I get to download games I already own for my gameboy. Nintendo makes great handhelds, I own many different gameboys including a DS. They are also great at reselling games to me. Well guess what Nintendo I'm not going to get a Wii just so I can replay Mario Kart 64. Its like Nintendo has become the Mac of the gameing industry. They once sold the best stuff, but now they suck ass and have an elitist attitude, but make kickass hand held gear.
Ive been told that the great thing with Wii is that I get an internet service. Guess what assholes my Gamecube was supposed to get internet too. I get internet service with my xbox and my PS2. Why in the hell didnt I get internet with my gamecube. Ohh yeah Nintendo sucks ass. The only diffencne between the Wii and the gamecube is that the Wii will suppposedly have the internet service actually work, more RAM, and the stupid assed new controler that is going to change the market. For one it has fewer buttons than the gamecube controller. I need more buttons not less asshats, second The new point and shoot thing this controller can do has been done before, its called the ligth gun. Ohh yeah Nintendo stoped doing the lightgun after the SNES. Thats because its just a stupid gimick.
Don't lie about 3rd party developers eaither Nintendo. I know you hate them. Notice that after a year Nintendo was releasing first party games for gamecube nearly exclusivly. The only 3rd party game that came out in that time period, that was good is Resident Evil 4.
I don't want a Wii, I might pick one up after its under $100 and if it has a new controller. I mean hell if I'm to sit on my ass all day I dont want to be looking like these assholes.

Xbox 360: I'm going to come out and say that I'm probably going to get a 360. Sure it costs $500, but its been on the market for a year and its going to drop after christmas i bet. Its going to have a hell of a nice lineup of games this time next year. I hate Halo on xbox live I do like the games though, so I'll definatly have my copy of Halo 3 backordered. Plus with the backwards compatability I'll be able to play about 80% of my old Xbox games. I also like the xbox s controller the best out of the three current controllers, and the 360 controller is very similar to the controller s. (Yes the feel of a controller can sell me on a console)
PC gamers How can I forget you guys. You are the very hardest most BA of all gamers. We shall not be disaponited with the new lineups coming out
Guitar Hero II: Guitar Hero was the game that made me break down and buy a PS2 This game will kick so much ass.
God of War II: Its like GoW one but more bloody.
Gears of War: This will be the first game I get for the 360, Its got my 2 favorite game concepts. Killing Xenos, and a squad of buddys to help you out.

DOW Dark Crusade: I already picked this one up and wow, I have now served the Emperor on a Crusade, and it feels good.
Company of Heros: Its got another one of my favorite concepts, killing krauts.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: Ive had this game on backorder for over a year and a half, Its going to pwn and its going to be for my god damn gamecube.
Half Life 2: Episode 2: A few things, one its going to be out after christmas, two I wont be able to play it until after I build my new PC, and three it will also come with Team Fortress 2 which will kick so many people in the face its not funny.
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