Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Warhammer 40K the movie

After being inspired by Scott, I've decided to make a movie. It will pwn so much because first of all it will be made by me and will pwn because of how much I pwn. Secondly it will pwn because it will be about Warhammer 40K probably the most Violent and manly sci-fi universes ever.

It will be about a chapter of Space Marines and there battle against the Tau Empire. I choose the Tau because for one the Tau are extreamly mechanized and it would be really cool to see a massive tank battle between the Tau and an Imperial Guard armoured division.
Lets not go forward you xeno freaks

Anyway the plot will be about Space Marines and the Imperial Guards mission to retake a planet from the Tau. I will add some Chaos in the mix just because they are so damn cool. They will probably be in the first scenes of the movie as the Space Marines pull out of a planet and then glass it from orbit.

This movie will be very very violent. It will be rated VO (Veterans Only) Their will be many people set on fire with flamethrowers because I think flaming people is cool. People will also be crushed, vaporized, decapitated, and shot. Their will be drama and moral decisions, like when the main character has to decide between burning a village of orphans or just having the village bombarded from orbit.

I also want a huge assed space battle. I have only seen two somewhat acceptable space battles on film. The first Battle being the Battle of Endor, It needed less fighter action and more captial ship sluggfesting. The second battle was the Battle of Coruscant. That one had the capital ship sluggfest I wanted but not long enough or enough figheter action, it could have also had more variety of capital ships on the Republic side.

Their must be a gratuitus Eldar Farseer beating in this movie. Why? I hate the Eldar, they are so cocky. They act like nobody else has an opinion on intergalactic matters. Plus I have had to many problems dealing with Farseerers in Dawn of War. The more violent the beating the better I say.

Who is going to star in my movie you might be woundering.

Eric Bana will play the main character Brother Captain Edster Kickaster because Kickaster will be based off of me and only Eric Bana could ever play me

Vin Diesel will play the Bad Assed Sargent. He will probably have many scenes where he cuts Tau in half with a chainsaw.

Chuck Norris will have a special spot as the Imortal God Emperor of Mankind. Because Chuck Norris is the Imortal God Emperor of Mankind in real life.

Christian Bale will play the leader of a squad of Gray Knights because he pwns and so do the Gray Knights.

Ving Rhames will play a grand inquisitor because I want him to get medieval on some Chaos ass.

The Rock will play a Space Marine because I like the rock and hes the kind of guy who would be a Space Marine if he was in the WH40K universe.

Last but not least Tom Cruise will play the Tau commander. I mean hey Tom wants to get closer to the mother ship. Why not let him play what he wants to be like for real. Plus he wont have to wear any makeup because hes so ugly he could pull off the alien look just fine. Plus he gets to die at the end because Space Marines don't let xeno commanders live.

If I get the go ahead with this film all nerds will rejoice for I will finally be able to get a movie with a killcount that exceeds 200 billion. I give this movie 200 billion kicks in the face, one for each body.


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