Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Civic Virtue

You know what really pisses me off? Shitfaces who don't know what civic virtue is. They are the kind of people who think being a cop would be cool because they get to blow people away. Of course most cops never discharge their weapons in the line of duty for an entire carrier. They miss the entire point of being a cop. They miss the point because they watch movies where cops get to kill shit and have lots of sex.

Guess what asshole that isn't how it works in the real world. A police officer is a civil servant. They get paid poorly for the service the provide the populace at large. They get little thanks from many facets of society. For one to put oneself in the line of duty is not for the glamor. Its the fact that you are putting society ahead of yourself.

I know a fellow who thinks that being a cop is all fun and games. He will weave tales of how cop students will party so hard and beat the living shit out of the person who gets the best grade on a test. Of course this same fellow has stated that the entire military should be made up of snipers and just left a laptop in a parking lot, and drove off.(He then tells people it was stolen because some one found it in the same parking lot and started using the data in it) He went to school computer networking for a year and asks me for help with computers. I also know that he is extremely racist, and doesn't see the point in learning Spanish in his future line of work. He also feels that people of middle eastern decent are all terrorists. He is defiantly the kind of person we do not want protecting us from the many different kinds of criminals.

Just get your heads out of your asses. People always bitch about how society screws them over, blah blah blah. I have an idea. WHY DON'T YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND HELP OUT FOR ONCE? I see the me me me mentality at work all the time and I feel sick of you people. They are the kind of people who bitch about US foreign policy but didn't vote in the last election. We live in a democracy. We all have a little say in how our civilization is run. If you didn't put in your say than you have nothing to bitch about.

I got summonsed to jury duty the other day. Am I going to try to weasel my way out of it? Fuck no. Thats because I understand that as a citizen of the community I have an obligation to serve. Sure I won't be able to work for that time. But I don't look at it as a problem. I see it as my community needing me and me answering the call. Why can't we all put a little into our society?

Same problem applies with people and the military. They are all for the military getting kids through college in times of peace, but when a war breaks out they freak out. Right before we invaded Iraq I remember soldiers who would bitch because they didn't join the military to fight a war. WHAT THE FUCK? What is the military for? I thought it was to serve and protect the American people. 99.99% of our servicemen of course never complained. They understand what it means to be American. They understand that a society is only as strong as the people who serve in it. They will gladly die in the line of duty. They understand what it means to be a civil servant.

If you have a problem with society than be productive and actually try to change it. Don't be emo and bitch and cry, and not doing shit. Also if you think that civil service is a glamorous job than you've never seen a member of the US Army Special Forces. Most of their missions are never told on CNN. When they get done with a job they go home pick up a tiny paycheck and know that they did it all for an unappreciative America.

What I'm getting at is that to serve ones civilization is exactly that. Serving. Servants are never thought of like real people. They are treated like shit because they are a cog in the machine that allows your average person the luxury of life in a first world nation. So I say MAN THE FUCK UP AMERICA. Go out and make your community a better place.


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