Sunday, December 31, 2006

Lets Party Like its 2006

So the year is coming to an end. Its time to sit back and take a look at the past year. Yes, I know 2006 blew as a year. But it was an entire 365 days. I'm sure we can compile a list of good things that did happen.

Things that did NOT blow of 2006

  • Saddam Husain's execution
  • The Burger King guy
  • The Chuck Norris craze
  • Casino Royal
  • Company of Hero's
  • Battlestar Galactica Seasons two a
    nd three
  • The decision to have eight planets (Yes Pluto is not a planet)
  • World War Z and the Alphabet of Manliness were both published
Now for things that did blow for 2006.

Things that DID blow of 2006

  • Britney Spears had another kid
  • Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had a kid
  • Lil Kim got nukes
  • To few good movies came out
  • Troops died in Iraq
  • The Nintendo Wii
  • EA still has not fixed BF2
  • Regis Philbin
  • The Dixie Chicks crawled out from under their rock
  • Not enough foods were filled with cheese
  • No war to conquer a xeno menace was fought
  • No Batman movie came out this year
So thats a list of things that were either good or bad. I have to admit this last year really did suck ma balls pretty hard but I guess we do have hope for 2007.

Who am I kidding? 2007 is going to suck just as bad a
s 2006. Thats because every year is genearlly just as bad as the year before it. The world will always suck so its not really worth being overly optomistic about it. I prefer a cautoiusly optomistic out look on a new year as this next year might see a cure for cancer, peace on earth ect... But its probably going to blow so I don't dash my hopes by putting much stock in the next year.

Predictions for the
year of 2007

  • People will die
  • People will be born
  • Politicians will spend my money
  • Third world nations won't get any better
  • Lindsay Lohan will be drunk
  • A good TV program will be canceled in place of a shitty one
  • John Madden will be in another shitty football video game
  • Muslims will blow themselves up so they can get
    pussy in heaven
    The dude says to take the next year easy
So heres to 2007, its going to be another year of mediocrity.


Blogger Hiro Protagonist said...

Yes, 2006 was shit for me.

Also, fuck Pillow Pants!

1:53 PM  

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