Sunday, December 10, 2006

Patron Saints

I have been working on this concept for quiet a while. Some people are just so good at what they do that they become saints of sorts. These great men become Patron Saints of all things great, like lesser gods of politheistic religions.

Here is a list of patron saints, mind you this is not a complete list as we find new saints every day.

Admiral Ackbar- Patron Saint of smelling out a trap. Ackbar knew a trap when he saw one and moved to save his fleet at Endor. Any lesser man would have led his fleet into the Death Stars shields.

Patrick Swayze- Patron Saint of bouncers. Being a bouncer is a tough job and the greatest of bouncers is Patrick Swayze. Nearly 80% of Road House was a bar fight and the bouncer who kept his cool was Swayze.

Chuck Norris- Patron Saint 0f the round house kick. No one can ever merge the Pirate and Ninja like Norris. For he is the progenitor of all man. His manly visage is usually the last thing bad guys see before his snake skinned cowboy boot enters their brain.

Maddox- Patron Saint of the internet. For Maddox embodies the very essence of the internet, minus the 98% of the internet that is porn. Maddox is a man with huge nuts, and the most bitchen website in the universe.

Carl Weathers- Patron Saint of stew. Sure Carl Weathers was an incredible football player, and one of the finest actors to ever bless the big screen, but his stew is probably his greatest accomplishment

Max Brooks- Patron Saint of undead warfare. Max wrote two books that have forever changed my life. His knowlege about the undead and how to fight them have prepared me for the future where I must battle hordes of undead.

Admiral William "Husker" Adama- Patron Saint of getting people back. Adama has yet to fail at getting his people back. Life gave him shit when the Cylons attacked and he made kickassery with that shit, because Adama never lets a person get left behind.

Vasiliy Zeitsef- Patron Saint of sniping. That guy actually knew how to snipe unlike some cock sucking traitors. He killed hundreds of Krauts at Stalingrad just because he felt like it. He was probably the most hard rusky to ever walk the earth.

Animal Mother- Patron Saint of the LMG. Animal Mother used an M-60 like some people use high powered snipers rifles. I even hear that he shaves with his M-60 on full auto.

Charlton Heston- Patron Saint of fire arms. To make him a saint would be a demotion. For Heston truly is a god among us. Back in 04 I didn't vote for Bush or Kerry. I voted for MY PRESIDENT. Without Heston America would have been over run by red coats years ago. The only reason why your not drinking tea and speaking Brit talk is because of one man, Charlton Heston.



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