Wednesday, December 20, 2006

America Harden The Fuck Up

So America has really been become soft over the past few decades. We used to be the country where dreams come true, if only you had the determination to follow your dreams. Not anymore. Today America has become so soft it makes me sick.

Back in the day we had a hard core group of people. They were raised in the depression that was caused by their moron parents. They fought WWII which was caused by asshats from across the globe. That generation didn't bitch about how their parents beat them as kids. They didn't bitch about not having money. They didn't see a problem with going over seas to fight a war they had no stake in. FUCK NO.A moment that Hardened America the fuck up

America said fuck you to poverty. America said fuck you to the Krauts and the Japs. That generation won WWII. They came home made a shit load of kids. They built up America into an a true super power. They put man on the moon. The greatest generation was truly great. They went through tough times at first but didn't bitch and moan, they took what they wanted in life.

Some one once told me that Money doesn't buy you happiness. Its true if you haven't earned that money. The problem is that the concept of earning happiness is lost to these dim wits. In my case money buys me some semblance of happiness because I buy things with money I earn. Even with friendships you must actually earn them. You have to invest time and energy into a friendship if you want dividends. If you want to have a rewarding relationship with the opposite sex you must put effort in keeping those people interested and happy. Today this basic concept is lost among my peers.

I blame this on the Baby Boomers. They were the children of the great generation that worked and fought to make America great. This Great generation sent their children to school, to universities. These children grew up not earning a thing becuase their parents loved them so much that they were given the world. Did the baby boomers apreciate this gift of love. Hell no.

Now they are the generation thats in power. They are the ones to blame for the problems with the national budget, the war in Iraq, and any number of cultural problems. They thought that they could run around the world with mittens on. Fight wars where no one dies, be friends with communists. Now we are about to have the Chinese economy become the strongest in the world. Ronald Regan is very upset with how America is dealing with communism.

We now have to medicate our children. We listen to rap. We watch shit like Queer as Folk and Big Brother. We bitch about video games as the cause to all of the problems of youth of today. We blame Mexico for Americans not having jobs. We have Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, and Lance Bass.

If this is all we have to offer than we truly are fucked

America has become a giant Vagina. Hey asshole why don't you get up off your ass and start working harder than that Mexican. Hey parents why don't you admit that you don't actually pay attention to your kids and thats why your kid is violent. America has lost sight of what made us so great. We are a nation of pussies because we never earned our happiness. We were given everything by the WWII generation. The Baby Boomers have squandered everything that was given to them and they never earned anything in return. I only hope that gen X and Y has enough balls to take back what is rightfully Americas.

America stop bitching about why some people in the world hate us. You think we ever gave that any thought when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor? FUCK NO. We said "WHO FUCKING BOMBED OUR FLEET?" and then we dropped the bomb on the Japanese.

I remember after 9/11 we would have class discussions about Terrorism and what not. People always wanted to know why they hate us. I'll tell you why they hate us. Its because we are the richest and most powerful nation in the world and they feel jealous of us. What America wants America takes. If you have oil we'll take that oil. Thats what makes America great. We are the only nation in the world that gets what it wants. We can be like every other nation in the world. And then we wont have all of those preciouses that we want. If your reading my blog than that means you have electricity and that means your benefiting from the American way of doing things around the world.

God Bless America
Next time you feel like a puss and want to blame your unhappiness on other outside causes, you should remember what your grandparents or great grandparents had to go through.



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