Trivia Weekend Part 1
Well well looks like its that time of year again and in honor of my brother Blog Livin' The Nerdlife. This year the Trivia weekend theme is Politics so I thought that we should do a three part examination of Japan as it has politics of some form and another and I want to point out why the politics of Japan are stupid plain and simple. So lets kick off my examination of Japan on our epic trivia filled weekend marathon.
So I have only been around for 21 odd years so I may be wrong but it seems to me that the Japanese have a sick obsession with air ships I don't know what it is but if you ever play any video games made in Japan you are probably going to run in to at least one of these floating monstrosities. When I was recovering from my surgery a few months ago I would keep Adult Swim on all night because I had trouble sleeping. So I got to see more stupid Air Ships when Adult Swim played its Anime.

All you need is a couple of F-16s and you'll fuck those asshats up
For instance take Ace Combat 6. A fun air combat game except for two flaws. One was a stupid Japanese plot that we will get to later on during the weekend. The second was a fucking air ship. It flew around consumed more jet fuel than the US military does during its Red Flag exercise. So this air ship flies around and does what? it houses a squadron of fighters and carries cruise missiles. Well fuck me. Looks like a Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier does the same fucking thing. Even though a Nimitz isn't a sparkling example of keeping costs down I can still guarantee you that with its nuclear reactor its going to be cheaper to run than a fucking air ship that has to stay in the air 24/7.

Not only is it a stupid military concept that can and is done cheaper, but the damn mission makes it a bitch to kill. In real life you don't have to do much to a jet to bring it out of the air. Hell a fucking bird sucked into its intake can bring one down. Yet I have to shoot every gun, missile battery, and engine off of it before I can even make my final attack run on the mother fucker. The fucking airship wont go down until I shoot out the bridge. What is this fucking Star Wars. Its called gravity. Sir Issac Newton is rolling in his grave. If an aircraft that stays aloft by way its engines than it must fall back to earth when they are not running. Not when the command and control is finally blown to hell.
Then you get the air ships from the Final Fantasy games which can go from blimps all the way to flying city thing. Some of them even have cannon like the ones found on old Man O Wars. Of course the armourments on these air ships are even more stupid than the ones found in Ace Combat Six. At least that one had missiles and shit. Fucking Cannon are shit. Hell the AC 130 Specter Gunship found in the US Air force has a cannon and thats a 105 mm Howitzer and it blows shit up nice. But I can guarantee you that the ones found in Final Fantasy games are breach loaders. I bet those things don't even have rifling.
I asked the Anime nerds at school whats the deal with Japans obcession with these flying machines and the best I got from them is that Japan is a small country and thus to find room they dream of living in flying cities one day. Nice try assholes. If you live in an over crowded place you do one of two things. One is to build sky scrapers. The second. MOVE AWAY. Air Ships are just plain stupid because of GRAVITY. Its not like its a space ship and space station. where although you have gravity you aren't going to instantly plummit to your death as soon as you loose power.
Air Ships are inherently a bad idea. The Japs just come up with stupid shit. I think that the Hindenburg is a lesson to all of us. Airships explode and people die in massive explosions
In fact the only air ship that ever worked was a Zeppelin and guess what THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS
This is what happens when you try to teach your kids a lesson

This is what happens when you try to teach your kids a lesson
Air Ships are inherently a bad idea. The Japs just come up with stupid shit. I think that the Hindenburg is a lesson to all of us. Airships explode and people die in massive explosions
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