Space Marines

It is said that it is better to live for yourself than to die for the Imortal Emperor.
Fuck that
It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for ones self.
I mean what else are you going to do when your an 11 foot tall uber human with lighting fast reflexes, 2 hearts, and can survive in almost anytype of battlefeild with minimal life support equipment. What can you do when your created to serve the Imortal Emperor? Serve him thats what.

Space Marines are humanities answer to all the fucking xenos in the universe. I mean come on what do humans have over orks. They breed faster than us, have better stamina, and are far stronger for their size. The only thing we have over those bastards is our brains. And even having better weapons and training doesnt always win wars. Thats why the Imortal emperor created the Space Marines. He was like "fuck you xenos, and fuck you chaotic creaters from the
warp." The Emperor has been around since the dawn of humanity at around the 8th Millenium BC. He has the survival of the human race as his only concern. Thats why he decided to create the most bad assed collection of warriors the universe has ever seen.
Space Marines have to be bad assed. They fight in all kinds of battle feilds. They fight the most horrible xeno scum. They also have the best job in the universe. Who else is given the best war gear ever, they are given a drop pod and told to kill. Hell you wouldn't even have to pay me to do that. Space Marines all share genetic seeds created by the Emperor himself. Its like being a grand son to the father of humanity.
Space Marines also get the most bad assed war gear ever. They have bitchen powered armour that gives them uber strength and lets them fight in all types of battle feilds even the cold vacum of space. They get flamers, plasma guns, rocket launchers to name a few of their small arms. They carry around chainsaws for close encounters of the 3rd kind, and get to drive around in Land Raiders one of the most bad assed APCs ever created.
Space Marines also would make any mother proud as they love to go to church. Space Marines infact brought back the Kill in Killing for god, if the god is of course the Imortal Emperor of Mankind. They are all members of a church chapter. They love to go to church because going to church means they can spend more time praying to the Emperor. The Emperor loves his Marines so much he even gives out cookies during church survices.
Orks don't get cookies they get bullets, bullets in there heads becuase they are stupid xeno scum.
Of course back in the olden days some Space Marines were bad, very bad and went to the warp and became corupted by the chaotic gods. Space Marines hate Chaose Marines more than anything else, even more than xenos becuase Chaos don't go to church. Chaos think its funny to burn down churches. Thats why Space Marines always kill Chaos.
Space Marines are the most bad assed groups of humans ever. They kill for the Imortal Emperor of Mankind because they love him so much he loves all of humanity. Remember if your alive its because he loves you, and if he didn't love you you would get your ass crushed by a giant Space Marine.

Take that xeno scum. My intergalactic possy is going to stomp yo ass.
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