Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Flyboys Review (spoilers)

So I went to flyboys the otherday. It was awsome because I got to see an awsome movie with two of the best friends I could ever have.

Any ways we went in thinking that it was going to be old fashioned where people would kill like in the olden days all gentlemenly, pistols at dawn and such.


It starts off with a bunch of dudes who are bored. They get the same great idea. The idea went somthing like this "Hey I'm American and I want to win. But we are at peace and peace means I can't win. Wait a war do you say? In France? I'll teach those French Fuckers how to fight." So the young men all decide to go to France and fly aero planes.

This is where we meet our sterotypes we have our young dashing hero Rawlings and veteran hero Cassidy, we have our French Captain (played by the only BA Frenchmen Jean Reno) We also have a preist, a screw up, a romantic and a token black guy. Last but not least we have a rich kid and the naive kid.

So the boys all learn how to fly in a series of montages. The guys crash into a burlesque house and get laid. At this point it looks like the "Great War" was all about sleeping with hoes and training. But then we finally get to see our young American heros go kick some Kraut ass.

Unfortunatly shit hits the fan. The boys get jumped by some German Fockers. The kid gets shot down and makes it out alive. But because he was cocky the Hun with the black Focker shot him for being such a n00b.

Every one is upset, but the Brits are like wait a sec boys you guys can have a drink with us.

Later they fly again and actually getting kills. Rawling is able to get two kills because he is our hero. Everyone is happy that the squadron has kills. Cassidy the squad leader tell the boys to not get cocky and that he needs to get revenge. Cassidy has over 20 kills and is a total bad ass.After a succesfull hunt the boys talk about whos gun is bigger

Rowling starts hitting on a French girl. He falls in love with her even though she can't speak a word of English and he can't speak a word of French. Those must have been strange dates.

The boys make even more kills. They are like USA all the way. But the screw up fellow looses his hand. This is sad because his hand was chopped off with an entrenchment tool. I mean come on thats got to really hurt.

The Boys finally get an uber mission. Its a boss battle in a way. They have to go and take out a Zepplin thats on a bomb run for Paris. They go and seriously fuck up the Krauts. The Priest buys it and its kind of sad because he was a good pilot. The token black pilot was able to get the 2nd best kill of the day. He got to make a headshot with his Machine Guns. It was so tight me and Scott both yelled out BOOM HEADSHOT. Cassidy fights his arch nemisis the black Focker.
They have a really cool dogfight but we find out Cassidy isnt as good as the Focker so he gets shot with about 58 bullets. But because Cassidy is American he just keeps on trucking and slams his plane into the Zepp. It even had a little man who was running ontop of the Zepp. Running from the massive explosion.
Thats what happens when you fuck with America

Everyone is sad again. Rowling also goes and rescues his Girl Friend from the Germans. Two Kraut infantrymen decide that its cool to stand infront of an airplane while it takes off. Its not cool. They both got killed by the machine gun.

So they go on a bomb run on a factory. The screw up flys with his new hook. It looks like a cake walk but then the Huns show up. Mad dogfights insue. The fat rich kid gets wasted. And Rawling is all pissed. They blow up a whole lot of shit and come back home. Rawling stays grounded long enough to ammo up because he was going into a boss battle.
We know this Kraut is evil. I mean come on his plane is black, black is the color of Satan

He goes and pisses off the black Focker just so he can dog fight. They dogfight for awhile and it looks like they are even until more Krauts show up. Rawlings MG gets broken. But the romantic dude shows up and cleans off the black Fockers buddies. (the romantic dude was all freaked out after the first mission and hadent flown until now) then Rawling dogfights the black Focker more even though he doesnt have a working MG. now read this carefully.

Rawling explodes his shoulder and pretends to be dyeing. The crazy Kraut comes up besides him and looks him in the eyes (Scott said why doesn't he pull out his gat, and Kristi was like shoot him with your gun) the black Focker pulls in behind Rawling about to do the coup de gra. But Rawling was like FUCK YOU and flips his plane around in a really awsome move and is right next to the Kraut. He pulls out his pistol and shoots the dude in the face. I couldn't beleive it. It was a kick in the face.

I have never had it where both of my friends are screaming at the dude to do somthing and then he does it in such a bad assed way. This film is a great reminder of the sacrifices that generation went through. It also explains why America kicks so much ass. I give this film 4 kicks in the face. Plus another 500 for the last boss battle with the headshot.


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