WWAD (What Would Adama Do)

The show Battlestar Galactica pwns. It pwns because of one man. Admiral William "Husker" Adama.
Admiral Adama must have been born in the center of a star because he is one hard assed mofo. He has fought in not one but two Cylon wars. He started off as a Viper pilot and moved up to command the best ship in the fleet. Galactica is the greatest battlestar because of how much killing that ship can dish out.
Admiral Adama kept humanity going even after all of the colonies were nuked to hell by the toasters. He was like "Fuck we're an endangered species. We have to make babies." He decided that it was more important to humanity that he protects a fleet of civilian ships vs going out and ruining the entire Cylon Fleet.
Adama is also very loving of all of those who are under his command. He used most of his aviation fuel just to save one downed pilot (note the downed pilot did survive) He also almost started a shooting war with a more powerful battlestar just to get two of his crew from it.
Bill Adama is also very even minded. He always makes the right decision. Like when the fleet was about to rip itself apart and he came back from the dead just to reunite it. He made the right decision to go and kill the resurection ship with Peagasus because his kill quota was way to low during the second Cylon war.
Adama had to leave the colonists on New Caprica to escape from the Cylons once again. This left him with a massive thirst. A thirst for blood. He decided to quench his thirst by attacking the Cylon fleet of five basestars to his two battlestars. He is going to waist them basestars becasuse he is so hard. Adama said one thing that let all of us know that he meant buisness buy telling his fat assed son Commander Lee "Apollo" Adama that he was infact soft and a tubby bitch, and that he was going to get all of his people back. Because Adama loves all humanity and hates every toaster he finds.
Admiral Adama is going to come through for humanity because thats the only thing he knows how to do. Whenever things look the most bleak humanity can always look to the wise warrior that is Adama.
I always ask myself in tough times what Adama would do, the answer is always going to be the right one.

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