Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Poseurs, who needs them?

I can't stand poseurs. They piss me off. They are the kind of people who write blogs about how they are independent minded and don't care what other people think of them because there girl friend told them so.

Guess what asshole. You aren't thinking for yourself, your just reguritating what your girl friend just told you. Lets actually have an original thought for once shall we.

Poseurs sit around and plan what kind of outfits they are going to wear for the week. Thats okay if your a girl. In no way should a man put more than 15 seconds of thought into what hes wearing for the day, exceptions may be if he is going in for a job interview and needs to decide what tie he wants to wear.

These people think that when people dislike them for there n00bish attitudes its because we are jealous of them. No we don't like them because of the slimy fake feeling they emit. When I see a poseur I feel uncomfortable because I know that they are being fake and that anything they say to me is just a line of bull. These people are living a lie, why should we think that anything they tell us is anything but a lie.

Poseurs would be like Two Face from Batman if they were supervillians. They just change faces from group to group, and when you call them out on there two faced ways they tell you that your not the boss of them blah blah blah.

Lets face it humans are social creatures. We can't survive without human contact. Hell in a nutshell civilization can be described as when a group of people learn to live together so that we may all reach the common goal of survival.

"When I like you, I'll be polite and be their for you. If I don't like you, I'm going to be an ass and not want to talk to you or be around you."

With that kind of attitude human civilization would have crumbled within a week of its inception. The thing that these little angst filled punks have to learn is that even if we don't like a group of people we must still treat them with respect. I work in the retail industry, and if I were to "be an ass " to everyone I didn't like, then buisness would plumit. Hell I have never liked the fellow who wrote that little excert. He has always come off fake to me. Maybe I should tell him next time that he should go fuck himself up the ass, and that I was only nice to him because we shared mutual friends who I cared enough about so that I would have to put up with him every day for years. That is how society functions.

In the past five years nerds have become popular, due to popular media and the fact that we are the only ones who can help you when your hard drive fails, or you get a virus from all that internet pron youve been downloading and then lie that you got it through an email when your girl friend asks you how you got it.

If you happen to be a poseurs, don't try to call yourself a nerd because you happen to like computers. That makes you a geek. If their is one thing that pisses me off about these assholes who are now trying to act like they are a nerd, the sub cultural group I fit into.

Nerds are general experts on multiple things geek. Poseurs who try to tell me that they are nerds make me sick. I'll ask them what there favorite movie is, and if I hear somthing like Fast and the Furious or The Italian Job then I'm going to laugh. Nerds may watch those movies and even enjoy them but real nerds list of favorite movies consists of Films like Star Wars, LOTR, Spiderman, Aliens, Blade Runner, ect. Nerds love watching Sci Fi and Fantasy. Thats what makes us who we are.

Nerds also have a broad knowledge of geekdom. Its not just the damn computers, anyone can learn to do tech support. I for one am an expert in American history, a dozen sci fi universes, super hero mythology, anthropology, military trivia, and science. For Christ sake I'm going to school so that I can teach science becuase I can't imagine a more fun job than to sit around all day teaching kids my passion for science. Thats what makes a nerd not that I can defrag my hard drive or that I can troubleshoot a virus problem.

And one last thing for you poseurs, Halo does not make you pwn at gaming. Madden doesn't even count as a game. Ohh I'm going to play football on my xbox, wow I could have been outside doing it too. Real gamers play games like CS 1.6, CSS, DOW, Star Craft, Doom, COD, War Craft, C&C, and the Half Life series. Hell I started playing FPS in 1992 when Wolfenstein 3D cameout for shareware. That is how I earned my gaming wings. Not playing Halo, and Madden.

Poseurs don't try to make yourself feel cool by taking the limelight away from those of us who actually think for ourselves. No matter what you do, those of us who are actually cool will never like you.


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