Monday, January 29, 2007

Peoples I hate

Delta 3 said I should write down things I hate as my handle is Cpthateful. Lets face it hate is the most pure emotion you can ever feel and is probably the only emotion Chuck Norris ever feels, as he invented hatred. Its true I hate a whole lot of things and I should let every one know the people whom I hate the most. This will be updated every so often so stay tuned for an up to date list of morons whom I think should be purged from the earth.

  • Communists (Fucking reds held a gun to the head of the world for decades)
  • Xenos (They are aliens and they want you all dead...Enough said)
  • Scientologists (Every scientologist I have ever heard of likes dicks up their butts)
  • Wiggers (They should all be sent to Iraq and used as targets for the terrorists)
  • Electronic Arts (They have not made a good game in years.)
  • People who text while at a movie
  • Dan Rather (He has always been a hack and I'm so glad he lost his job)
  • People who restate what the Professor just said and think its an original thought.
  • EMO's (They think they are rebelling but they are just playing into MTV's evil plot)
  • Shane (He should read the book of Genesis in the Bible...He should read the part about Kane and realize that even god hates him)
  • Activists (You obviously have to much time on your hands)
  • Twelve year olds (They ruined Xbox Live)
  • People who can't park
  • Old People who think regular flavored foods spicy
  • Rosie O'Donnell (She makes me want to stick pins in my ears when I hear her fat bitchy voice)


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