2006 Game of The Year Awards (So Its Late)
2006 was a turbulent year for gaming. Two new consouls came out and a new version of a hand held. Its taken me two whole months of careful testing but I have finally compiled a list of games that deserve 2006 Kicks in the Face Game of the Year Award.
FPS of 2006
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter-I'm still having flashbacks of Mexico City. This game was as beautiful as it was awesome. You get to fight Mexicans while fast roping out of Black Hawks. This game gets 8.5 out of 10 kicks in the face due to some bugs while playing online
RTS of 2006
Company of Heroes-Its not another WWII game. CoH is a fast paced RTS where you do battle with the Kraut horde and you take names. Play as Airborne, Infantry or Armour. The greatest WWII RTS experience ever. This game gets 10 out of 10 kicks in the face for being flawless.

Pocket Bike Racer-This action packed racing game lets you control the monarch of fast food the King. The King is such a bad ass that he'll smile after landing on his face after jumping through a flaming ring. This game gets a healthy 8 out of 10 kicks to the face.
Gears of War- A game that lets you kill alien like life forms with a chainsaw at the end of a rifle? Thats right GoW is an epic blood bath waiting to happen. Marcus Fenix is the Luigi to the Master Chiefs Mario. GoW gets a well deserved 10 out of 10 kicks in the face for all the chainsaw action.
HANDHELD of 2006
Tetris DS-Yes the only good thing to come out of the Soviet Empire. Tetris DS is the single most addictive handheld game ever. I lost many good hours of school playing that damned game on a calculator. That is why this game deserves 9 out of 10 kicks to the face.
Best Game That Should Have Been On The Wii of 2006
Doom- Xbox Live lets you down load Doom. Its a timeless classic where you a loan Space Marine must battle your way to hell killing Satan's many fold minions. This game is a must for any and all systems. I give Doom 10 out of 10 kicks to the face for being so awesome.
Dead Rising- Any game that lets you loathe the undead as I do deserves a bare minimum of 7 kicks in the face. Combine that with an arsenal of every day objects that lets you loathe the undead in new ways, now thats a hit. Dead Rising gets a 8.5 out of 10 kicks to the face.
Warhammer 40k Dawn of War: Dark Crusade-This expansion wasn't quiet up to the standards of its predacessors but thats mainly because of a cap on tanks and elite units and not on game play itself. In Dark Crusade you get to add even more killing to your Space Marine Legions epic history. Dark Crusade gets 7.5 out of 10 kicks in the face.
Company of Heroes- This game really brought WWII back just like my Grandpa experienced it. He would be probably cry with joy seeing me fight the Krauts just like he did if it weren't for the fact that he was blinded by Kraut shrapnel. CoH brings top production values to the table. It was also the first game to be released that was specifically designed for Vista PCs and it shows it. You will not be disappointed.

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