Friday, March 30, 2007

Don't Breed 'Em If You Can't Feed 'Em

This is a very simple concept. Don't create children if you are unable to provide for them. Its not fucking rocket science. For those of you who might not know how to make a kid here is a very shortened explanation.

You see when a man sticks his one eyed monster in a womens special place, he will most likely shoot off millions of little warriors. The warriors must then journey up the canal of darkness. The tiny little warriors are blood thirsty and are constantly trying to kill each other on the epic trek. The wounded and dead warriors will be lost forever with no one to mourn their deaths. Once they come to the end of the canal of darkness they come to the "Death Egg". They then lay siege to the "Death Egg" until the strongest warrior is able to breach its defenses. Thus a child has been created in an epic journey marked with violence and death.

Kenny always dies because he is poor and his parents breed to much

You see creating a child is a very wonderful event of nature. Its nature at its most violent state. But the problem is that most people who fuck have no idea what is involved in raising a kid. Ive made a list of only some of the things that will have to happen once you create a child.

  • Buy diapers, baby formula, baby food, baby oil and lotion ect...
  • Watching TV shows like Dora the explora and Boohbah.
  • You will have to simplify your diet as kids hate everything thats not chicken nugget or a hot dog.
  • Spend money on trips to places that your kid wont even remember.
  • Drive a mini van.
  • Listen to music that is kids friendly.
  • Not be able to hang out with your friends because you have to take care of your brat kid that you created while your friends are happy and care free because they listened to the Sex Ed teacher and went out and bought a box to Trojans.
The sad fact of the matter is that I can spend my money on what ever the fuck I want and the people who make kids have to spend money on the child. While I'm buying the latest Computer hardware and video games these dip shits are buying shit like diapers and baby cloths. Do the even know how fast kids grow. They need new cloths all the fucking time.
This is what you get to watch for the next five years if your lucky.

What really irks me is that I'm going to be the one paying for these little monsters. I'm going to pay for the food stamps that these young parents are going to have to go on. I'm going to pay for the new schools that have to be built for the kids. I'm going to have to pay for the road repairs that is caused by the increased wear and tear that is put on my roads because the kids will learn to drive and then drive every where. And then I get to pay for 50% of the kids first year of College before they drop out and have kids of their own.

My kids will be in Jr High and High school when the children of my peers are having kids of their own because the dumb assed parents of these asshats never told them that raising kids is not a good idea. I mean the Earth is only supposed to support 9 Billion people. We're 2/3 of the way to that number and I for one would like it if we do not starve to death because of unchecked breeding.

Here is a simple policy for all you young lads out in the world. Treat every girl as if she is lying to you about the pill. That means you need to put on the big boy pants and slap on a condom. And for you ladies. Pretend that every boy is an asshole who will run away at the thought of the responsibility of having a kid and thus leaving you alone in the world with an infant. Thus get on the pill and make sure that he is wearing a latex sheath when he sticks his dick in your vagina.

One last image for you young horny lads and lasses. Look at that person you are about to fuck. Now think really hard for me. Are you prepared to spend the rest of your life in close contact with this person? Because if your not than you better practice safe sex because a kid implies that you will spend at the bare minimum 20 years with this person sharing the responsibility of raising the kid. (Notice that I did not use the word marriage because I never meant it. I mean that you will be stuck fighting over custody, love, and money of the kid for those years.)

A special note about marriage. The entire point of marriage is that you have supposed to have found a person that you want to spend the rest of your life with thus also spawn new yous with. Marriage means monetary support for the children in the subsequent newly wed sex. The system was put into place for a reason and it should be used. Don't make kids until you are married because even if the marriage fails at least the kids wont be bastards and there are more legal supports for the spouse that ends up with the custody.

My solution to this of course is that you will not be allowed to breed unless you reach certain intelligence requirements and financial requirements. Such as being able to afford the basic costs of a child without the need of government money. I would of course exclude the cost of education as I am not evil and public schools is one of the greatest ways to create hardened brainwashed soldiers. For those of you who think I'm crazy then you obviously haven't seen Idiocracy and seen what happens when stupid people breed out of control.

In conclusion I will be the one that is footed the bill for YOUR night of fun. Don't be a dick and help the world out by making sure YOU don't piss the rest of us off with your wild brats in our stores and eateries.


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