Sunday, March 11, 2007

Technology is not a fad

I keep on running into people who think the use of computers is just a fad that will run its course and be over with within the decade. They get these smug smiles and ask me what I'm going to do when technology fails. For one short of World War 3 or a world wide zombie outbreak I'm extremely sure that we will be using computers. And for another I have one of the oldest professions in the world. I am not worried about not having a job in a post apocalyptic world because my trained skills are older than human civilization. (I'm a butcher by trade) And third I would probably get on with my life if technology fails.

These people rate up with Mac snobs in how they think there shit some how smells better than the rest of ours. Guess what asshole just because you don't own a computer does not mean your superior to me. If anything I can do my taxes quicker, shop faster, get my news as it happens, and I don't have to go to the public library whenever I want to do research. Who's shit smells better now shit face?

These anti technology snobs are so out of it that they think that the only people who know how to run the damned things are actually making a living doing it. Here is a little news flash assholes computers are used by millions and millions of people for recreational purposes only. These asshats don't grasp that we have entered a new era. Much like the printing press or the cotton gin, the Internet has changed human society forever.

Society is already starting to fracture as people are finding other people with common interests and beliefs from all over the world. This article explains how society is changing much better than I can.

I run into people who look at me as if I'm from another planet when I tell them that I'm going to reformat a hard drive. To look at me as if I were a fucking xeno is just uncalled for because I loathe xenos, and second these are the same people who call me up a few weeks later when they break the computer that they have for "typing papers and getting emails".

And its just insulting when they ask me advice when they do break down to buy a PC and then tell me that what I suggested is to expensive. Too bad. If you spent less than a thousand dollars on your computer then you have a shitty computer. Period. When I give people advice I don't want them to be stuck with shitty stuff so of course its going to cost more than a Dell. I look at computers like meat. Sure the ribeye might be more expensive than the bottom round but its infinitely better.

We live in the information age now. Lets act like it. If your not with the program then your going to be left behind like the Dinosaurs or like Shane when the Retard Racer forgot to stop at his house.


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