Sunday, April 22, 2007

Spawn Campers Should Burn In A Fire

You know what really irks me? Thats right Spawn Campers. They are the little shits whom think its perfectly fine to sit in a spawn site and just pick off guys before they have time to react only to have the guys respawn seconds later in the same spot just so they can be killed again.

Normally I'm all for doing anything for a win but I also have a code of honor. And that code infers that you let your enemy get his bearings so that it isnt so much of a turkey shoot and more like a game of team death match.

Camping in and of itself isn't a bad thing. In fact some could consider it a legit strategy because lets face it if you have to protect that flag then you better be camping it. Snipers are can be considered campers, and guys who man Claymores could be called campers as well. These are all fine examples of camping being a good thing. The only time camping is ever unacceptable is when it is extremely close to a spawn point.

I like to equate it to shooting fish in a barrel. Sure you just killed lots of fish, but no one is actually going to say that you were at killing. Thats the problem in todays youth. They have no honor. They would prefer to cheat at a game then to win it with skill. For instance, Delta Leader and I were playing a most excellent team deathmatch, when three of our seven team mates dropped. No problem we were ahead by 20 kills anyway. Except the other team decided to camp our spawn. We didn't have enough guys to properly make a break through and were slaughtered like dogs. I took solace when I killed three of the opposing team members with a single grenade because they were stacked up so close to our door.

Of course when you call players like that out as shit less cowards they accuse you of being a poor sport because you lost. Fat chance asshole. I have no problem with being on an unbalanced team. It means that I can get more kills for myself. What I do abhor is the fact that some one will use the numbers in such a way so that they will put two men on every point at which you can leave the spawn. That is not an honorable form of battle.

Now if its a real war I'm all about the destruction of an enemies barracks but thats mainly because war is not a game and you actually want to use haxs against your enemy. Video games are called games for a reason and that means that rules should be followed, and sportsmanship is always appreciated.

When gaming you should always ask yourself, Would Shane do this? Will this kind of game play make Shane like me? And is that Shane on the other team spawn camping?

Yeah thats pretty much what a spawn camper would do in RL


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