Virgina Tech
First of all I want to wish my deepest condolences to the victims and families of the victims of this tragic event.
Earlier today 32 students and faculty members of Virgina Tech where gunned down in the most brutal massacre in American history, by a single shooter. The shooter also wounded countless others on his rampage. He then killed himself.
Why would a self proclaimed asshole like myself care? Well because fucktards like that make it so that all of us are suspects. At this time we have little information about the shooter other than that he's in his twenties and Asian. Well I may not be Asian but I am in that same age bracket and I most likely do have something in common with him. I play violent video games.
Mark my word, this is where this investigation will lead. People will want to blame video games because the person to blame is dead and they need a scape goat. Its simple for people like Jack Thompson to pin the blame on games. Even though the fact that the shooter most likly played the same games that millions of us (as in 15 to 35 age bracket) play every day. Yet some how the rest of us are able to hold off those rage full feelings every day and not shoot up our work places/schools.
If what these anti gamer advocates say is true then people like me should have been able to neutralize the shooter with extream predjudice. Ironicly Delta Leader and I were playing Rainbow Six Vegas last night and we were clearing out terrorists from the ULV library. Shit I wish I could fast rope down a building crash through the window and shoot five terrorist in five seconds but you know what? Its just a fucking game and I can't really do that.
This guy was a fucking psychopath. He just like the shooters at Columbine High School were nuts long before they started playing games. Now I'm going to tell you a little story about why I hate people who shoot schools up so much. I think they get put into the 9th level of hell by the way because of how cowardly they are. You see the high school I went to had a rival high school in the town over. Only about 20 miles away from us. One day early in my Jr year we find out that a freshmen went and killed three class mates because they called him pizza face. Only one of the victims called him any names. The other two didn't even know the kid. I have a friend who went to that high school and one of the victims was a very close friend of his.
If people really have that urge to kill they should join the French Foreign Legion. The rest of us are perfectly fine with going through Halo and beating the game without firing a single shot. (I did it with Halo, and Halo 2 when Shane betrayed me)
Whats funny about this is that Rockstar the developer of the Grand Theft Auto series is going to get slapped with yet another law suit and will probably be blamed for the shooting because you can kill people in Grand Theft Auto IV. Mind you GTA IV isn't going to be out for another five or six months.
I can only hope like somthing like this will never happen again but we all know that as long as psychos are running around this kind of thing will always happen. So lets put blame where it is due instead of putting the blame on a popular form of media entertainme

I'm sure glad I played Vice City and learned how to fly a Harrier because now that I actually have one I'm going to go blow up my whole town with it.
Earlier today 32 students and faculty members of Virgina Tech where gunned down in the most brutal massacre in American history, by a single shooter. The shooter also wounded countless others on his rampage. He then killed himself.
Why would a self proclaimed asshole like myself care? Well because fucktards like that make it so that all of us are suspects. At this time we have little information about the shooter other than that he's in his twenties and Asian. Well I may not be Asian but I am in that same age bracket and I most likely do have something in common with him. I play violent video games.
Mark my word, this is where this investigation will lead. People will want to blame video games because the person to blame is dead and they need a scape goat. Its simple for people like Jack Thompson to pin the blame on games. Even though the fact that the shooter most likly played the same games that millions of us (as in 15 to 35 age bracket) play every day. Yet some how the rest of us are able to hold off those rage full feelings every day and not shoot up our work places/schools.
If what these anti gamer advocates say is true then people like me should have been able to neutralize the shooter with extream predjudice. Ironicly Delta Leader and I were playing Rainbow Six Vegas last night and we were clearing out terrorists from the ULV library. Shit I wish I could fast rope down a building crash through the window and shoot five terrorist in five seconds but you know what? Its just a fucking game and I can't really do that.
This guy was a fucking psychopath. He just like the shooters at Columbine High School were nuts long before they started playing games. Now I'm going to tell you a little story about why I hate people who shoot schools up so much. I think they get put into the 9th level of hell by the way because of how cowardly they are. You see the high school I went to had a rival high school in the town over. Only about 20 miles away from us. One day early in my Jr year we find out that a freshmen went and killed three class mates because they called him pizza face. Only one of the victims called him any names. The other two didn't even know the kid. I have a friend who went to that high school and one of the victims was a very close friend of his.
If people really have that urge to kill they should join the French Foreign Legion. The rest of us are perfectly fine with going through Halo and beating the game without firing a single shot. (I did it with Halo, and Halo 2 when Shane betrayed me)
Whats funny about this is that Rockstar the developer of the Grand Theft Auto series is going to get slapped with yet another law suit and will probably be blamed for the shooting because you can kill people in Grand Theft Auto IV. Mind you GTA IV isn't going to be out for another five or six months.
I can only hope like somthing like this will never happen again but we all know that as long as psychos are running around this kind of thing will always happen. So lets put blame where it is due instead of putting the blame on a popular form of media entertainme

I'm sure glad I played Vice City and learned how to fly a Harrier because now that I actually have one I'm going to go blow up my whole town with it.
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