Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tribute to a BAMF: Rod Serling

Rod Serling was the mans man. He would pound the snot out of people just because they looked at him funny, Jumped out of the sky because they were surley or just plain spin epic tales. Some of you don't know who Rod Serling is. You probably think that he must be a pussy. Your wrong and your infact the the major pussy.

Rod Serling Burst from his mothers womb on Christmas Eve of 1924, because he wanted to ruin Christmas for the medical staff. He hit the nurse in the ovaries just to make sure her Christmas Day would be very painful. Rod grew up with so much hate that he decided to go into the most hateful sport of all time, Boxing. It's said that he crushed 12 Irish Boxers at once with his massive fists.

Then America went to war with Japan. Rod being an incredibly angry fellow decided that it would be best to teach the Japanese a lesson about fucking with Chuck Norris' homeland. He enlisted in the Army and joined the Airborne. He then jumped out of a perfectly good airplane and beat Admiral Yamamoto to death with the good admirals own skull.

By the end of the war Rod had killed at least one hundred Japs in hand to hand combat and over 9000 kills with his M1 rifle. He was decorated with many medals including the Bronze Star.

Since the world was not at war Rod despaired. So he found an epic book of tails that was different but still similar to the book of epic tales. Rod would tell tales about people who were tools and were sucked into the magical place called the Twilight Zone. His tales gave the American people a strong hatred of Xenos and the super natural. This of course made the Immortal God Emperor very happy and Rod was given title and rank in the Imperial Guard.

Rod told the tale of when Cpt Kirk did battle with a menstrual Satan

Rod was ushered to join the fight against the Xenos on a far off world. It is said that Rod Serling shot down a Necron war ship with his penis. Unfortunately his whereabouts are unknown as of now but I have a feeling that one day he will return to earth and spin even more epic tales about Xenos from the Twilight Zone


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