2007 Games of the Year
Oh Hell yes. Its that time of year again where I get to rate the top games this year. For 2007 has truly been epic as a year for gaming. So less talk and more game reviews. (sorry this is WAYYYY over due, Unfortunately I had it half done when my 360 red ringed and I pushed it off)

- 2007 Game of the Year Award Assassins Creed: This game was fucking sweet. You get to run around the crusades killing everyone. It got to a point where I would dream of throwing Crusader guards off of a roof to cause a diversion. I especially love walking right up to a knight and stabbing him in the stomach and then walking away before anyone ever noticed. Yes Assassins Creed was awesome, I just wish all games were as creative and epic as this one was.
- Racing Game of 2007 Forza 2: I didn't actually play this game because frankly I suck at racing games, but Delta Leader is good at racing games and he stands by his word when he says that Forza is pimptastic.
- Expansion Pack of 2007 Company of Hero's: Opposing Fronts: Company of Hero's was 2006's FPS of the year and its not surprise that COHs expansion was going to be awesome. I can't say enough good things about being able to walk my artillery up to Kraut positions.
- WWII Game of 2007 Company of Hero's: Opposing Fronts: 2007 really didn't bring out many epic WWII games which happen to be an entire genre of games in my mind. Its not because COH OF was truly that great vs this year being really lame for WWII.
- RTS Game of 2007 World in Conflict: This game really brings in the the big guns. I love WIC because I am allowed to use tactical nukes. This game has the best use of combined arms ever. I can send in my tank platoon down a road, with Apaches in support while using A-10s up the road to kill a Soviet tank battalion, and using the USS Missouri to suppress the Soviet artillery on a ridge. The epic boner I had when I called in, 3 B-52 strikes, a daisy cutter, and a tactical nuke at the same time, will be sung about for years to come.
MLRS- Thats the last thing those Commies ever see
- Party Game of 2007 Guitar Hero 3: This wasn't a surprise because every one loves playing games where you get to play Metallica, Slayer, and Iron Maiden. And when you think you've rocked enough you have to go to hell, battle Satan, and then climb out of the underworld while playing Through the Fire and Flames by the fastest band ever Dragonforce.
- FPS Modern Game of 2007 Call of Duty 4: This one seems easy but tell you the truth I would have given Rainbow Six Vegas this one if it weren't for the fact that Vegas came out in 06. COD4 is bitchen in that you can shoot through most walls to slay your foes. I wish more games would allow me to do this as it seems stupid when only a thin layer of ply wood keeps me from murdering my foes. CoD4 does also have some awesome scenes like when an entire Marine expeditionary force makes a landing on a coastal village, the level is aptly named Charlie Don't Surf.
- FPS Sci Fi Game of 2007 Halo 3: Now I gave Halo the award instead of Bio Shock because frankly I hate xenos. and Bio Shock has a fuck load of mutants but no xenos for me to destroy. Halo also gets points because it has xeno zombies the one thing I like to kill the most besides of course the undead, cybernetic, xenos of the Quake games. I was greatly saddened however when Halo 3 ended the life of Sgt Major Avery Johnson. The hardest Marine since Sgt Apone of Aliens.
- RPG of 2007 Mass Effect: Shit it has a young human Empire that must learn how to cope with a universe filled with filthy xenos. I love the fact that I can seduce my many female Marines and make little baby Marines so that I can beat the shit out of even more xenos. I choose my own adventure and that adventure is about murdering.
The Classic tactic of attacking the protagonist one at a time
Now here are some extra awards I felt like giving out because I was in a charitable mood- Best use of an F-15 E Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation: I really love the F-15 Eagle. I love it even more when I'm the one in control of it, especially when I'm the one flying it.
- Best Weapon of 2007 Flame Thrower: I'm going to give this to any game that featured a flamethrower this year. I specifically remember the one from Halo, they finally gave me my flamethrower and I made a whole shit load of little Grunts burn.
- Greatest Villian of 2007 Little Sisters: Bio Shock gave us the little sisters and you know what they were creepy little girls. They walked around sucking juice out of people because they were little children and we all know this is a metaphor for having children, except instead of juice children will suck all your money from you. They also had the Big Brothers who were mean tough hombres.
- Star Wars Game of 2007 None: Only one Star Wars game came out this year and that really doesn't count as it was Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga, therefore its just a remake of the two previous Lego Star Wars games. Lucas Arts needs to get off its ass so I can fly my TIE Fighter again.
- Top Voice Actor of 2007 Keith David: He was in both Mass Effect and Halo 3. The man is also the official voice of the US Navy. If you could turn Keith David into a liquid then i would shoot him up like Heroin. Yes he is that cool.
- Best NPC of 2007 Sgt Johnson: Yes Sgt Johnson from Halo is a pimp. He loves to fight and he never ever quits. He has never failed a mission because he is so bad assed. That is why he is the top NPC because no one can come close to how dependable and cool he is.

RIP Sgt Avery Johnson- One hardcore mother fucker. He died saving the Galaxy. Semper Fi