Sunday, February 15, 2009

Trivia Weekend 09 Pt3

Well I'm still alive and kicking some major ass. I felt fatigue for only a moment then I went and headbutted an entire nunnery and now I feel rejuvenated. Some times those trivia questions wont give up their secrets so I just bring them down with controlled demolitions. So for our final day of trivia madness I will discuss the final stupid conspiracy, believer thing people like which is


People believe in ghosts. That's as stupid as believing in a daddy in the sky who loves you but forces you to suffer so that you may appreciate him. Sounds more like a woman than a man if you ask me as that's just petty shit, also if that daddy in the sky is so perfect then why did he create cancer, or an appendix.

Back on topic, okay so you believe that your soul can stay on earth instead of being drawn to hell if you are of course a weakling who never embraced battle or Valhalla where you shall do battle for all eternity in Croms humble home. Okay Death is very good at his job. He doesn't leave anyone behind just like the US Army Rangers. If you believe in ghosts your saying that Death is sloppy at his job. This is bull.

I Just Felt Like Some Titties

The belief of an afterlife where you are cursed to walk Terra is one of those delusions created by people who are afraid to die and want to believe that they wont be 100% dead. Well I have tough news for you when you die you're not coming back. This isn't the Princes Bride where you can be mostly dead. No your pretty much all dead no matter what.

Okay lets say your a ghost and your cursed to wander Terra. Well what are your powers? You mess with electronics. You can manipulate objects like being able to close doors, you can even scratch people. (these have all been witnessed by supposed ghost hunters) Well if this was true then why are these people who are being haunted still alive?

If a human being can have pretty much the best super power of all which is to be invincible, invisible, and to be able to walk through walls and not one person is killed then I call this bull. Why would that be bull you might wounder. Well with the kind of powers a ghost has you can pretty much commit any murdered and get away with it but they don't do it. But ghosts are human and humans are petty. If you gave me a get away with murder free card and you bet I would go around the world destroying my enemies. Thats just because I'm human and I'm petty. The only higher calling I've ever answered was the call of the Immortal God Emperors beloved by all, and he allows me to do what I would be doing anyway.

So I don't want people to try and tell me that some spirit exists because to believe in this is to blasphemy in the face of the Emperor and I will not allow it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trivia Weekend 09 Pt 2

Shit yes I am still rocking like the Juggernaut even after some 25 hours of nonstop trivia action. Am I tired? NO!!! My thirst for vengeance fuels me so that I may maintain the same level of intensity for days even weeks at a time. Any who I'm going to put my next type of conspiracy up now.


This shit is just stupid. This is coming from Delta 2 the person whom hates Xenos more than anyone on this planet, minus the Immortal God Emperor beloved by all. If I was to see a xeno on the street I would crush its brainal cavity with a rock. So you can understand that me denying the existence of Xenos on Terra isn't because I am in bed with the enemy. Far from that Its because there are no UFO's flying around abducting people in there sleep, and jamming probes up their asses.
I'm Glad That Fucker Is Dead

Lets think about this logically, why the fuck would an alien species be sitting around studying humans and conducting the right wing loons instead of conducting someone who actually has a brain like the Immortal God Emperor...Well I guess I answered that question as the Emperor would destroy any extra terrestrial life.

I mean really if these supposed Aliens have the technological capabilities to cross the galaxy with FTL drives then they would have no problem with conquering Terra or destroying all life on this planet. And for those who say that an Alien species who has gained FTL travel must be peaceful is just lying. You think a peaceful species would be able to make it in the universe when some other meaner species will just kill them? Of course all xenos are blood thirsty monsters. That is why you should never trust them.

This Is The Last Thing E.T. Ever Saw

Thats why I know UFO's are bull shit. Because the Aliens would have just kicked the shit out of us already. But this is all moot as the Emperor guards us from those bastards and no Alien has ever entered Terran air space without feeling the flame of the Mighty Space Marines.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Trivia Weekend 09 Pt 1

Well this is my first trivia weekend where I have to blog solo. This year we have Romance as our theme. This angers me immensely because now I can't get my fucking on. This angers me but not doing trivia angers me even more. So the trivia must go on.

So I'm going to give us the theme of stupid assed conspiracy theories. Now sure it would be easy to use the 911 conspiracy but since that one has been proven to be a false conspiracy sufficiently in my mind I'm not going to actually talk about it. So for our first one we will use.

Undiscovered Creatures/ Monsters

What I mean is of course creatures like big foot and the lockness monster. So don't get on my case if you want to bring up a new species of fish or ring worm or butterfly cause I don't mean that kind of shit. I mean big creatures that are cool and shit.

Big Foot is just stupid as hell. This is because they want you to believe that there is a North American Ape creature that has been living in the woods of Washington state. Okay if you know anything about evolution then you would know that there are NO apes in the Americas, that's because all apes evolved in Africa, Europe, and Asia. But what if they crossed the barring straight like human hunters did? Well yes sure they could have done that but still there is zero
fossil evidence of any Apes in the Americas. I hate hearing the excuse that just becaues we haven't found any doesn't mean we wont. FUCK YOU! Just because you haven't found evidence that there is a god still means there is NO GOD. Okay that's just how that shit rolls.

If You See This Asshole In Your Back Yard Kill It For Science

Monster enthusiast try to bring up the Silver Back Gorilla as proof that large Apes existed without western knowledge until 100 years ago. Well that's been a hundred years and guess what all the Natives knew about the gorillas so really they weren't undiscovered. We have healthy sciences now and none of them have proven shit.

The Lockness monster is also stupid. They want me to believe that an aquatic reptile can survive in cold assed water and never actually caught on land laying eggs. Okay reptiles have to lay eggs on land. This is because they have lungs. Ever watch Animal Planet and you get all excited as all of those baby turtles get eaten. Its like a blood sport watching all those little sea turtles rush towards the sea only to be swallowed by birds, crabs, sharks, small children, squirls, and chipmunks. You see Nessy would also have to have babies on the land like that and guess what, WE NEVER SEE THIS KIND OF BLOODSPORT IN SCOTLAND!

Yeah I hate those monsters, they are stupid as hell. If you believe in that kind of shit you are a fucking moron and I hope you die. Don't argue with me because I will skull fuck you to death.