Friday, May 16, 2008

Justin Long Can Burn In A Fire

You know who I fucking hate? Thats right Justin Long. I he pisses me off to no end. Is it his acting? For the most part no, thats the worst part, I loved Dodge Ball. I thought that it was fucking good. Because I love Vince Vaughn as one of Holly Woods everyman and because I love Pirates.

I just hate Justin Long because I hate the Apple commercials. The idea for the commercials is asinine. Its like when Steve Jobs was snorting blow off of a dead hookers ass he came up with the brilliant idea that they would have two grown men pretend to be computers and they would make one an asshole yuppie who people would cheer for and the other a nerd who gets all his shit ruined and everyone would hate him because people hate nerds.
Like a pussy Justin Long freaks out because he realizes he is sitting next to John Bruce Willis who has a pair of balls

For some reason it worked. People are so stupid that they fall for it. Delta Leader and I have seen people walk in and say "I hear windows has bugs" which we think "NO YOU DON'T FUCKING HEAR, YOU JUST HEARD IT ON A TV COMMERCIAL"

Thats the entire problem with these mac users. They sport a douche like Justin Long as a hero because he is in a stupid commercial. Wake up you assholes, you have made a stupid bum of an actor a hero because people pay him lots of money to stand around in front of a camera and say "Hi I'm a Mac"

If you use Macs you should probably die in a fire too. That is all.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Secret of Steel

I need to throw this up real quick because of how awesome this is.

You see Dio, and Killswitch Engage both know that the secret of metal is Steel.

As you can see Howard Jones makes weapons of death out of Steel. That is why he has a voice that could launch a thousand warriors into Valhalla.