Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Check list to an awesome music video.
  • Dwarfs
  • Samurai
  • Napoleon
  • Tarzan
  • Cowboys
  • Hunch Backs
Remarkably Van Halen had all of these in this music video. And that is why Van Halen defined an entire decade of music.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Karren Travis...Stupid Bitch

I feel like I must right about Ms Travis because she is a stupid cunt. Not only that but she has ruined my favorite Star Wars the greatest Sci Fi movie series ever.

What do you mean by ruined Star Wars? you must be asking yourself. I'll tell you. She is the dumb bitch that has decided that the Clone Wars was fought by a meager 3 million clones. Now if you know anything about the Clone Wars than you know that it was a war of Galactic perportions. It was a war that tore the Star Wars universe apart and destroyed many worlds. Now here is another figure 16,112,566. That was the number US Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Coast Guardsmen that served in World War II.

As you can see the United States of America contributed more men to a war, that took place over roughly the same amount of time as the Clone Wars but on a single planet. The United States sent five times as many men to war as the Republic did according to Travis. This is a Galactic WAR. A war that tore the Galaxy apart. A war that was called the CLONE WARS because the Galactic Republic used massive armies of Clones to fill the ranks of its army. A war where entire planets were turned to balls of glass from massive war fleets in orbit.

The Galactic Republic which held over one million planets within its borders. Has an army large enough to place fewer than three men per planet. How can this be explained away? Ms Travis says that the Clone War was a propaganda war. A few skirmishes here and their. Not only that but in her short story Numbers, she has a Republic Commando imply that the Jedi know that this is a propaganda war and are openly helping the Supreme Chancellor and Sith Lord cover up the fact that no war is actually being fought.

THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE CLONE WARS WAS FOR PALPATINE TO GAIN ENOUGH POWER IN THE REPUBLIC TO DECLARE HIMSELF EMPEROR AND TO DESTROY HIS MORTAL ENEMIES THE JEDI!!! Travis now has it so the Jedi helped Palpatine fight a non existant war. What is even more infuriating is the fact that many books, cartoons, and movies were made depicting shockingly a war. Where the Republic lost massive numbers of troops.

Then we come to more resent events in the Star Wars universe. Currently Han Solo and Princes Leia's eldest son Jacen Solo is a Sith Lord. Now any of you who remember Palpatine, Maul and Vader is that Sith Lords are bad assed. Thats because Sith Lords kill lots of shit for fun. The problem with Ms Travis again is that she doesn't actually follow what goes on in the Star Wars Universe. She has in fact written a seventy year old Boba Fett who can beat the shit out of Jacen the sitting Sith Lord. And then when given the chance to kill the Dark Lord of the Sith, Fett says he can't because he will piss off Han Solo.

Boba Fett, is the same asshole who looked really cool in the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but was eaten by the Sarlac because he was a dumb fuck and got beat by a BLIND MAN WHO WAS BLINDLY SHOOTING A BLASTER.

Travis has even written a language for the Mandalorians a race of people whos only claim to fame is that they have almost always sided with the Sith and gotten bitch slapped by the Republic. Ms Travis should stop writing Star Wars and infact stop writing altogether, As she is destroying all that I love. This is a plea before she writes that the Jedi (who are the core to Star Wars) are to knowingly assisting in their own destruction....Oh to late. That cunt needs to just stop writing.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

RIP President Heston

As some of you know President Charlton Heston died today. For this I am sad. For he loved firearms. He loved them so much that he would rather die then have the filthy liberal scum take them from him. President Heston was a shining beacon when no one else would protect the right to carry heavy fire power such as an M249 SAW or a M21 Sniper Rifle. For this I must thank Charlton Heston. His long devotion to acting and the second amendment has left this world a better place.
Thank You Mr President
Charlton Heston October 4, 1924- April 5, 2008