HA HA Nintendo Fanboys Get A Taste Of Cock
So Nintendo has done it again. What have they done again? Well my dear reader Nintendo has fucked up once again. After having a strong year and a half with the Wii they finally fucked themselves in the ass.
You see my console of choice is the Xbox 360 because it has the game library that has games that amazingly I want to play. Microsoft also has the most robust online system of the major consoles, thus making it easy to play games with my friends. Remember the main reason I choose the system that had the greatest failure rate is because it had the games I want to play.
In contrast Nintendo decides to go and pull a gimic with the Wiimote and because of this only specialized games that are meant for my grandma are made. Thats right Nintendo has gone off and decided that they want a main stream audience that happens to consist of 12 year old girls and 70 year old geriatrics that I pray will be smothered in their sleep.
During this years E3 we saw Nintendo pretty much say FUCK YOU CORE GAMERS WHO WILL BUY ANYTHING WE MAKE. Thats because the Wii is such a wofully underpowered machine that it cant have any 3rd party AAA titles ported to it without rewriting the entire fucking code.
Its not like they can just gun down the graphics, Nintendo has literally made a console that has less procsessing and memory power of the original Xbox. Thats right its less powerful than a console which took off the shelve components from 2001.
Lets look at figures since Nintendo loves to show everyone how much money they make and how many units they sell. Nintendo has sold the most consoles but have an average of 5 games sold per system. Now we can see the Wii has 27 games that sold over one million units world wide. Now lets look at the 360. The average 360 owner owns 7 games and has 42 games that have sold over one million units. Although there are more Wii's sold, they just can't sell the games. Meaning that most Wii's aren't being played unless friends are over to play Wii sports or Smash Brothers.
I digress though, Nintendo announced the Christmas line up consists of Animal Crossing, Wii Sports 2 and Wii Music. So pretty much little Jimmy who made you get him a Wii last Christmas is going to be asking you to get him a 360 this Christmas because Nintendo blew its load during the first 18 months and wont come out with any games of worth until the next console cycle.
This happened with the Gamecube, as all the must have Nintendo games came out in the first 18 months and only one AAA title came out a year after that. So yeah Nintendo Fan boy laugh it up, but remember I will be playing new fun games until the next console cycle starts while your stuck replaying the same games over and over again.
You see my console of choice is the Xbox 360 because it has the game library that has games that amazingly I want to play. Microsoft also has the most robust online system of the major consoles, thus making it easy to play games with my friends. Remember the main reason I choose the system that had the greatest failure rate is because it had the games I want to play.
In contrast Nintendo decides to go and pull a gimic with the Wiimote and because of this only specialized games that are meant for my grandma are made. Thats right Nintendo has gone off and decided that they want a main stream audience that happens to consist of 12 year old girls and 70 year old geriatrics that I pray will be smothered in their sleep.
During this years E3 we saw Nintendo pretty much say FUCK YOU CORE GAMERS WHO WILL BUY ANYTHING WE MAKE. Thats because the Wii is such a wofully underpowered machine that it cant have any 3rd party AAA titles ported to it without rewriting the entire fucking code.
Its not like they can just gun down the graphics, Nintendo has literally made a console that has less procsessing and memory power of the original Xbox. Thats right its less powerful than a console which took off the shelve components from 2001.
Lets look at figures since Nintendo loves to show everyone how much money they make and how many units they sell. Nintendo has sold the most consoles but have an average of 5 games sold per system. Now we can see the Wii has 27 games that sold over one million units world wide. Now lets look at the 360. The average 360 owner owns 7 games and has 42 games that have sold over one million units. Although there are more Wii's sold, they just can't sell the games. Meaning that most Wii's aren't being played unless friends are over to play Wii sports or Smash Brothers.
I digress though, Nintendo announced the Christmas line up consists of Animal Crossing, Wii Sports 2 and Wii Music. So pretty much little Jimmy who made you get him a Wii last Christmas is going to be asking you to get him a 360 this Christmas because Nintendo blew its load during the first 18 months and wont come out with any games of worth until the next console cycle.
You see Nintendo doesn't care about the games, all it cares about is selling actual consoles. Thats why Nintendo is so unfriendly towards 3rd party game developers. They want to monopolize their game system and Nintendo and only Nintendo can make a profit from the Wii. Lets look at some more numbers. On the Wii only 12 of the top 15 selling games were published by Nintendo. Now if we look at Microsoft 3 of the top selling 360 games were published by MS, and if we look at the PS3, 5 of the top 15 were published by Sony.
I hope this fucker dies in a fire

I hope this fucker dies in a fire
This happened with the Gamecube, as all the must have Nintendo games came out in the first 18 months and only one AAA title came out a year after that. So yeah Nintendo Fan boy laugh it up, but remember I will be playing new fun games until the next console cycle starts while your stuck replaying the same games over and over again.
Thats right from Nintendo's mouth, keep on playing your old games because your not getting any new ones you selfish pig