To All The Conservatards Out There
Okay so I've taken a month off from blogging. I really didn't mean to do that but I have been hell a busy with moving into my new apartment with Delta Leader, work, and the new girl friend. And if you know me my best motivator for writing a blog is rage, and I just haven't been that outraged of late. However all good things must come to an end and I have something to bitch about.
So as we know the Obama administration has just passed its first 100 days in office. Now I know to some people this is a horrible thing. After all he's a big scary democrat. Well guess what fuck off, as it seems to me as he is actually doing his job.
My state representative is Minnesota 6th Districts Michele Bauchmann. If you have followed the news at all you'll know that she is the person who said that the President is unAmerican, that he is moving us to a one world currency, that using other forms of energy is more expensive then being dependent on the Saudis, that gay people are bad and not created by the "god" therefore should not receive same sex benefits never mind that if there is a god he would have created gay people and if he is loving he would want them to be happy, but what the fuck do I know. Bauchmann also believes that Swine Flu is a product of only Democratic presidencies even though the last outbreak of Swine Flu was under President Ford who if I recall was a Republican.

Bauchmann opposes minimum wage because you know can't let those poor people earn a good wage and all. Okay I take personal offense to this one as I make relatively low wages at two jobs because you know nothing really doesn't show you how much your worth is when your employer tells you that they are cutting raises because of the Economy, even though we are in a recession proof business and that we have been growing for the past 49 quarters. What do I know, its not like I can't read the weekly sales figures that are dropped off by my desk every day and you know what. We have been making consistently the same money, or more money since I started at my job four years ago. You know what that means assholes. We have not taken a hit in the economy but have grown. So I don't want to hear how the economy has taken a beating even though I got a bonus last year in profit shareing and it was the highest quarter we ever had. I am the fucking stock holder. The company can't hide the fact that our company is doing better than it ever has and then tell us we have to cut hours and cut wages because of the economy. (This is for my family members who don't understand why I hate big business, I hope you are understanding this because I can't make this any more clear)
I actually had a conservative customer who loves to come up and pick my brain ask me if I went to one of those stupid tea parties. Now I actually like the guy because he generally is very funny however I was taken aback by what he said to me. You see people like he and Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh and Michele Bauchmann hate the idea of President Obamas tax plan because it will raise their taxes, however I love it because I get a tax cut, which saves me about 20 more dollars a month over what I already was saving under the Bush tax plan. (again this is for those family members who may be reading this, I AM GETTING MORE MONEY BACK UNDER OBAMA THEN I WAS UNDER BUSH BECAUSE I DO NOT MAKE A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR AND NEITHER DO YOU SO YOU ARE SAVING MONEY OKAY SO FUCK OFF WITH THE OBAMA RAISING TAXES BULL SHIT I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT) Any who I told the customer no I couldn't make it to the tea party because I have a job and I have to actually show up for work and earn a living so I can pay my taxes. He was a little upset about this as he has been living off of the government for years under a government pension, which I pay for with my taxes.
Okay the tea party is stupid as shit. The Republicans keep on bitching about how its taxation without representation. This is an out right lie. The republicans are being represented in congress, its just that they don't have a majority vote. That means they don't get what they want. But they do get a voice in congress. Its just that the majority of Americans are being represented because we are a democratically Republic and our democratically elected representatives vote on laws in our behalf. I feel like I have to explain this to some readers because they don't understand this shit and bitch because they lost. Well fuck off asshats you lost this is how it feels to be on the loosing end of politics now grow up and stop fucking wasting time with these tea parties. Its not fucking cute. The founding fathers rebelled against Great Britain because they wanted a voice in Parliament which we did not have. YOU HAVE A VOICE ITS JUST NO ONE LISTENS TO YOUR CRYING BECAUSE YOU LOST! Republicans are the Minority, they do not deserve an equal voice because they do not have an equal voice.
Also Tea bagging is a funny term for those of you who are not in the know because it is a term that is used in reference to people who stick their testicles in some ones mouth and then bob them in and out. Much like a tea bag being dangled over a cup of tea. Republicans should not use stupid lines like that because it makes me think that people are getting their balls sucked and that's just funny.
Bauchmann has also talked about armed revolt against the government. Now I want to let everyone know that talk about revolt and secession is treason and I have no qualms if the Government actually tried these people for treason which is by definition UnAmerican. And guess what assholes the thing in the world I hate most, more then undead, Nazis, Commies, Xenos, Mutants, Droids are Traitors. So please don't open up your mouth because I will do bodily harm to you because you are lower then low in my eyes and as a loyal son of the Immortal God Emperor I would have to end you.
In conclusion I fucking hate Michele Bauchmann she is an insult to Minnesota, to Women and to the Human race in general. Her stupidity is the butt of many jokes on many news outlets. If you support Michele I can not be your friend. We can never be friends because you would be a pussy who cry's about how America hates you and that the majority of the country is wrong and blah blah blah. Shut Up and grow a pair of balls because if that's how your going to be for the next eight years I'm going to have to skull fuck you so you shut up.
and for your reading pleasure I have this and this to help you get to know my congressional representative
So as we know the Obama administration has just passed its first 100 days in office. Now I know to some people this is a horrible thing. After all he's a big scary democrat. Well guess what fuck off, as it seems to me as he is actually doing his job.
My state representative is Minnesota 6th Districts Michele Bauchmann. If you have followed the news at all you'll know that she is the person who said that the President is unAmerican, that he is moving us to a one world currency, that using other forms of energy is more expensive then being dependent on the Saudis, that gay people are bad and not created by the "god" therefore should not receive same sex benefits never mind that if there is a god he would have created gay people and if he is loving he would want them to be happy, but what the fuck do I know. Bauchmann also believes that Swine Flu is a product of only Democratic presidencies even though the last outbreak of Swine Flu was under President Ford who if I recall was a Republican.

Bauchmann opposes minimum wage because you know can't let those poor people earn a good wage and all. Okay I take personal offense to this one as I make relatively low wages at two jobs because you know nothing really doesn't show you how much your worth is when your employer tells you that they are cutting raises because of the Economy, even though we are in a recession proof business and that we have been growing for the past 49 quarters. What do I know, its not like I can't read the weekly sales figures that are dropped off by my desk every day and you know what. We have been making consistently the same money, or more money since I started at my job four years ago. You know what that means assholes. We have not taken a hit in the economy but have grown. So I don't want to hear how the economy has taken a beating even though I got a bonus last year in profit shareing and it was the highest quarter we ever had. I am the fucking stock holder. The company can't hide the fact that our company is doing better than it ever has and then tell us we have to cut hours and cut wages because of the economy. (This is for my family members who don't understand why I hate big business, I hope you are understanding this because I can't make this any more clear)
I actually had a conservative customer who loves to come up and pick my brain ask me if I went to one of those stupid tea parties. Now I actually like the guy because he generally is very funny however I was taken aback by what he said to me. You see people like he and Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh and Michele Bauchmann hate the idea of President Obamas tax plan because it will raise their taxes, however I love it because I get a tax cut, which saves me about 20 more dollars a month over what I already was saving under the Bush tax plan. (again this is for those family members who may be reading this, I AM GETTING MORE MONEY BACK UNDER OBAMA THEN I WAS UNDER BUSH BECAUSE I DO NOT MAKE A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR AND NEITHER DO YOU SO YOU ARE SAVING MONEY OKAY SO FUCK OFF WITH THE OBAMA RAISING TAXES BULL SHIT I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT) Any who I told the customer no I couldn't make it to the tea party because I have a job and I have to actually show up for work and earn a living so I can pay my taxes. He was a little upset about this as he has been living off of the government for years under a government pension, which I pay for with my taxes.
Okay the tea party is stupid as shit. The Republicans keep on bitching about how its taxation without representation. This is an out right lie. The republicans are being represented in congress, its just that they don't have a majority vote. That means they don't get what they want. But they do get a voice in congress. Its just that the majority of Americans are being represented because we are a democratically Republic and our democratically elected representatives vote on laws in our behalf. I feel like I have to explain this to some readers because they don't understand this shit and bitch because they lost. Well fuck off asshats you lost this is how it feels to be on the loosing end of politics now grow up and stop fucking wasting time with these tea parties. Its not fucking cute. The founding fathers rebelled against Great Britain because they wanted a voice in Parliament which we did not have. YOU HAVE A VOICE ITS JUST NO ONE LISTENS TO YOUR CRYING BECAUSE YOU LOST! Republicans are the Minority, they do not deserve an equal voice because they do not have an equal voice.
Also Tea bagging is a funny term for those of you who are not in the know because it is a term that is used in reference to people who stick their testicles in some ones mouth and then bob them in and out. Much like a tea bag being dangled over a cup of tea. Republicans should not use stupid lines like that because it makes me think that people are getting their balls sucked and that's just funny.
Bauchmann has also talked about armed revolt against the government. Now I want to let everyone know that talk about revolt and secession is treason and I have no qualms if the Government actually tried these people for treason which is by definition UnAmerican. And guess what assholes the thing in the world I hate most, more then undead, Nazis, Commies, Xenos, Mutants, Droids are Traitors. So please don't open up your mouth because I will do bodily harm to you because you are lower then low in my eyes and as a loyal son of the Immortal God Emperor I would have to end you.
In conclusion I fucking hate Michele Bauchmann she is an insult to Minnesota, to Women and to the Human race in general. Her stupidity is the butt of many jokes on many news outlets. If you support Michele I can not be your friend. We can never be friends because you would be a pussy who cry's about how America hates you and that the majority of the country is wrong and blah blah blah. Shut Up and grow a pair of balls because if that's how your going to be for the next eight years I'm going to have to skull fuck you so you shut up.
and for your reading pleasure I have this and this to help you get to know my congressional representative