Paradise Lost
Its been 8 years since terrorists hijacked and flew two planes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and a last plane into a field in Pennsylvania .
I remember that day very clearly 8 years later. I was a freshmen in high school. We had just gone into my first period class of Civics to take a text on the high school handbook when we learned about the first plane hitting the WTC. Through out the day teachers and students were glued to the TVs watching as the horrors of that day unraveled. I watched as both towers came down as I remember the confusion as to how many planes had gone down, and how many were hijacked. That day changed my life as well as every other person in the western world.
For me it was when true innocence was lost. People in the world wanted me dead, and would pull off evil schemes the likes of a James Bond villain. I knew that we were the good guys and they were the bad guys and they needed to die.
Fast forward eight years later and yes the world is a different place. But now I don't know if we Americans are the good guys any more. Don't mince my words. Terrorists need to die and in droves. Killing innocents for no other reason then to do harm is evil and should be punished with the full might of the western world. However it does not excuse the United States for the evils it has committed over the past 8 years in response to Terror.
The United States now commits atrocities such as torture, and punishing peoples without due process. We have engaged in two brush fire wars where friends of mine have gone and returned scared emotionally as well as physically. We have damaged the friendship to many of our friends and allies, we have so run down the Canadian Armed forces that they will soon be combat ineffective. An entire army will be so run down that it will have to take a year just to refit itself.
I feel as if Osama Bin Laden has won his jihad against the West. We are paranoid, we give up our freedoms in the name of security (I'm looking at the Patriot Act) Politics in America has boiled down to an opposition movement who shrieks nonstop about how we must repay Islam sevenfold for what happened on this day eight years ago. These same people don't see the Irony of our boys going over to their country's and having us cause massive amounts of civilian casualtys all in the name of our own security.
I hate and despise these people. They will bring up the events of this day and then smear it about so that they can get the kind of controls over our society that they have always wanted. Now they can have access into my own home making sure I do what "God" wants of me. The funny thing is that this is exactly like what radical Islam wants of me. So if your sitting around trumping up about how America is Gods gift to the world and to prove it you bring up 9-11 (which by the way don't actually make any scense as 9-11 appears to be a form of punishment but what do I know) well you can go fuck yourself up the ass with a gigantic dildo.
I remember that day very clearly 8 years later. I was a freshmen in high school. We had just gone into my first period class of Civics to take a text on the high school handbook when we learned about the first plane hitting the WTC. Through out the day teachers and students were glued to the TVs watching as the horrors of that day unraveled. I watched as both towers came down as I remember the confusion as to how many planes had gone down, and how many were hijacked. That day changed my life as well as every other person in the western world.
For me it was when true innocence was lost. People in the world wanted me dead, and would pull off evil schemes the likes of a James Bond villain. I knew that we were the good guys and they were the bad guys and they needed to die.
Fast forward eight years later and yes the world is a different place. But now I don't know if we Americans are the good guys any more. Don't mince my words. Terrorists need to die and in droves. Killing innocents for no other reason then to do harm is evil and should be punished with the full might of the western world. However it does not excuse the United States for the evils it has committed over the past 8 years in response to Terror.
The United States now commits atrocities such as torture, and punishing peoples without due process. We have engaged in two brush fire wars where friends of mine have gone and returned scared emotionally as well as physically. We have damaged the friendship to many of our friends and allies, we have so run down the Canadian Armed forces that they will soon be combat ineffective. An entire army will be so run down that it will have to take a year just to refit itself.
I feel as if Osama Bin Laden has won his jihad against the West. We are paranoid, we give up our freedoms in the name of security (I'm looking at the Patriot Act) Politics in America has boiled down to an opposition movement who shrieks nonstop about how we must repay Islam sevenfold for what happened on this day eight years ago. These same people don't see the Irony of our boys going over to their country's and having us cause massive amounts of civilian casualtys all in the name of our own security.
I hate and despise these people. They will bring up the events of this day and then smear it about so that they can get the kind of controls over our society that they have always wanted. Now they can have access into my own home making sure I do what "God" wants of me. The funny thing is that this is exactly like what radical Islam wants of me. So if your sitting around trumping up about how America is Gods gift to the world and to prove it you bring up 9-11 (which by the way don't actually make any scense as 9-11 appears to be a form of punishment but what do I know) well you can go fuck yourself up the ass with a gigantic dildo.