Thursday, June 09, 2011

Nintendo color me unimpressed

Nintendo unveiled the next best thing in their press release at E3. Oh I'm so excited what is it? I hope its another gimmick like the wii mote. Oh I hope Nintendo reinvents gaming like it did with the wii. I get so much game play out of mine, and it doesn't just sit in the entertainment center gathering dust while the 360 is getting constant play...Oh wait.

So Nintendo unveiled that the new Nintendo system is called wii-u...WHAT THE FUCK? okay Nintendo just stopped trying. I mean each system has actually had a different name until now. We had the NES, (Nintendo Entertainment System) Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and of course the Game Cube. Now we have the wii which is lower case for some unknown reason and they can't even come up with a new name so they are just adding a random letter at the end of the wii to make up for lack of imagination or at least a letter like Microsoft and Sony do.

Any who you must be asking yourself whats new with the new console. Well Nintendo decided to add a touch screen into the controller. Okay that isn't too bad right? except this is Nintendo do you can use it to have a mini map on the screen instead of the mini map being just a click away or at the side of the screen. You can use the screen to put off of while playing wii sports...THAT'S FUCKING STUPID!!! That's the greatest thing? During the press release people cheered like idiots because some asshole put the controller on the ground and then grabbed a wii mote and golfed off of it...SO FUCKING WHAT. While golfing from wii Sports I never needed to put off of a controller.

Giving Nintendo credit where it is due the screen does look very sharp

I will give Nintendo this though you can apparently play Super Mario Bros off of the built in controller screen instead of the TV, so if some one wants to watch TV your not having to worry about finding a save point. That is a nice feature. However for people like me the point is moot as I have my own home now and I own both the TV and the Xbox so I stop playing Xbox when I say I'm done.

Now of course this doesn't solve any of Nintendos other problems being mainly that they make weak assed systems that can't play any 3rd party games that don't look like ass. And I really mean it all 3rd party games look like garbage. The only reason 1st party games that Nintendo makes don't look like total ass is because they are all CARTOONS. Its a lot easier to render a cartoon in a half decent light then it is to some semi realistic looking person. Also it appears at least at the press release that the wii mote will still be used. So now we have two goofy looking controllers and no way to play any game well. Good one Nintendo you have yet again come up with a way for me to not play your games because you wont come out with a controller that fits in my hands.

In short I find this bull shit gimmick play of Nintendos growing old. Just focus on making a system that people will play and games that don't look like ass. I don't care if the graphics look like the second coming of Crom just so they have some level of polish. I have a feeling though that this new Nintendo will sell far fewer units than the first after every one realizes that it really is just more of the same of the wii and no one ever plays the wii anyway. But then again this is Nintendo and people will buy all things Nintendo just because they can get something with Mario smeared all over it.