Games of the Year 2008.
So the year 2008 was going to be pimptastic as far as games were going to be concerned right? Well not really although I did find some real gems out in the gaming world I just found most of the fair to be meh at best. I don't understand this. This was going to be a good year. I mean the game systems were supposed to be broken in. Developers had been working on games for the current systems for years now, thus fully understanding the limitations to the games. But then this wasn't the problem with games this year was it?
The biggest problem with game design anymore isn't that the game is broken, although this does occur on such a frequented basis that you've got to wounder if they even test some games before they ship them. No the problem is that we have no creativity in games anymore. No one wants to go and make a new game that doesn't have a number in its name. In fact pretty much every game I played this year was a squeal. This just really saddens me to know that no one has the balls to do something different and with the intention of only doing ONE GAME.
So with that out of the way lets get to top games.
Top SCI FI Shooter for 2008
Top RTS for 2008
Top Shooter (Modern combat) for 2008
Top Racing Game for 2008
Top Game Delta2 Did Not Play for 2008.
The biggest problem with game design anymore isn't that the game is broken, although this does occur on such a frequented basis that you've got to wounder if they even test some games before they ship them. No the problem is that we have no creativity in games anymore. No one wants to go and make a new game that doesn't have a number in its name. In fact pretty much every game I played this year was a squeal. This just really saddens me to know that no one has the balls to do something different and with the intention of only doing ONE GAME.
So with that out of the way lets get to top games.
Top SCI FI Shooter for 2008
Thats Fucking Team Work
I really liked this game because it had so much action that it gave me a massive kill boner that I had to pour ice on just so it wouldn't rip through the wall and bring down the entire house. It also had a somewhat better then average story for the action genera. My personal favorite part is when Dom who is always the cheerful member of Delta squad has to make a very tough choice and give up the one he loves the most. And then his best friend Marcus comes up with a plan to sneak into the Locust hive, but being a good friend to Dom asks Dom if he wants to sneak in which Dom of course needing revenge says no, thus they take on the Locust hord straight on like the manly men they are. GoW2 also just felt more like the Cogs were fighting a real war.Top RTS for 2008
- Dawn of War Soul Storm
Top Shooter (Modern combat) for 2008
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Top Racing Game for 2008
- Grand Theft Auto IV
Top Game Delta2 Did Not Play for 2008.
- Left 4 Dead and Dead Space
This is unprecedented in history. Thats right I put two games up for this. Thats because I'm a cheap bastard due to my replacement of my old pimpmobile to my current model. (Shit the new pimpmobile is even gold encrusted, that puts a Nigger back a few Hamilton's, has to have his hoes working double shifts to pay for that) Anyway both games have things I love to kill. Dead Space I get to improvise tools for weapons and kill Alien zombies. And then in Left 4 Dead I get to try to survive World War Z. I Loathe the undead so much. That is why both of these games are on the top of my list of games to play this year.
Top Party Game for 2008
Top Game for 2008

Most Stupid Story
Best Weapon
Greatest NPC
Most Guilty Pleasure
Top Party Game for 2008
- Rock Band 2
Top Game for 2008
- Grand Theft Auto IV

Welcome To America Bitches
Most Stupid Story
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Best Weapon
- Lancer (Gears of War 2)
Greatest NPC
- Augustus Cole (Gears of War 2)
Most Guilty Pleasure
- Doing doughnuts in a park over Yoga people (GTAIV)