Friday, October 26, 2007

A serious turn of events.

This blog is to be informative as to my present condition.


I have been dealing with what was first believed to be a prostate infection and was treated. However symptoms came back and then they thought I had a urinary tract infection. This was also not the case. I finally went to a Urologist where he stuck a camera up my urethra (YES THATS RIGHT I HAD A CAMERA STUCK UP MY COCK)

Now you as their is something you the reader should know about me. You see I have Crohns which is a disease in which your immune system will attack and eat the digestive system. My case is extremely rare as I have a juvenile case, I got it when I was a teenager, and that it is in my small intestine instead of my Colon.

Back to the epic of my prognosis. The Urologist recognized that my bladder was full of fecal material and that I had what looked like an ulcer in the bladder. I then went and got a CT scan and a near lethal dose of radiation to my testicles, but thats another story. (jk) The Dr found that my bladder and small intestine were in fact connected by whats called a fistula. Pretty much its a tube from the intestine to the bladder and it allows material to pass from one organ to the other.

I was referred to a Surgeon and its evident that they need to remove the infected part of my intestine, remove the fistula, remove the appendix and repair the bladder. Then they will need to reattach the intestine. This surgery will leave me in the hospital for a week, and it will take me over two months to be at work doing heavy lifting (All I do is lift heavy shit at work)

Now on to today. I was minding my own business when I had the urge to urinate. Thing is shit came out. Literally fecal matter poured fourth from my massive piece of manhood. I went to the Dr for some more tests and pretty much as it stands I go in for the operation some time next week.

That means I will have some down time and if all goes well I'll write about my week in the hospital in what I will call the Colon Chronicals. My adventures of being fed through an IV for a week, and other hilarious hi jinx I'm sure will occur. If I never blog again its because I died on the operating table.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Some of you may know that I love Battlestar Galactica. I love it so much that I have erected a shrine to the William "Husker" Adama. Now some would say that I went into a deep bought of depression after watching the Battlestar Pegasus blow up after killing multiple Cylon Basestars. Some would be correct.

But fear not. I was over joyed when I heard that a mini series was being made about the Pegasus (or the Beast as some of us will refer to her) This mini series will show how the Pegasus battled her way through a gauntlet of toasters so that she could meet up with the Galactica. The mini series will prove to us once again why you can never trust anyone to much, because they may eat your chow, tell your jokes, and listen to your stories, but in the end they still might be a toaster waiting to stab you in the back first chance they get.

That is probably the best explanation for the title of Razor...Because the crew of the Pegasus is HARD

Whats also really pimp about Razor is that the Sci Fi channel decided to produce a series of 2 minute long shorts about William "Husker" Adama, and his early life as a Viper pilot. I'm sure that we will see no fewer than over nine thousand Cylon Raiders blow up. When Husker is out of ammunition he just wills the Raiders to explode. Adama even shot down a Raider with his cock, after a night of heavy drinking.

It's as if Ronald D Moore answered my prayers to Crom. He reached out with his mighty writing staff, and gave us a look into the hatred of William Adama, and the Beasts hatred. The hatred that I speak about is of course the hatred of Toasters, who think its cool to destroy the 12 colonies of man, and then to enslave humanity.

This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass, fucking toasters...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Yesterday I Turned 21 (moment of reflection)

This is the first blog I right while intoxicated so please bare with me.

Well I turned 21 yesterday and to tell you the truth its kind of epic. You see now that I have my 21st birthday out of the way I have no other mile stones to look forward to for the next 45 to 60 years depending on if I get Social Security and if I ever get to retire.

You see after the 21st birthday you really don't get any new rights besides to rent a car at 25 and to run for President at age 35. So for the most part my major mile stones are out of the way, well at least the ones that have a specific date attached and as I already assume that I will be the the Dictate of the world by age 34 I don't have to worry about the age to run for President now do I?

I now look back at the past 21 years of my life and view all the things that occured. In hind sight the greatest things that shouldnt have happened in my life time are 1.) The fall of the Berlin wall. and 2.) 9-11. This is because when we lived in the Cold War all was well. Now sure those who lived through the Cold War had a very healthy fear of Nuclear death. But in hind sight it kept the rest of the world in check. With two guns pointed at the head of the world no one dared to be to much of a dick less they get us all killed. Now I look at the world and I see the US as the lone super power with all this awesome fire power and no one to threaten it with.

The War on Terror sucks dick because you can never kill enough of those little terrorist bastards to do any good. If I was miss Teen USA my wish for the world would be to have all the Terrorist of the world to gather in one place and then order a B-52 strike, an MLRS strike, Napalm, 105mm Howitzer fire, and a Daisy Cutter for good measures on that location. Mind you I have been playing a lot of World in Conflict, best RTS of the year hands down.

A world without massive Artillery Batteries is a world not worth living in.

I guess that I look over the past two decades and realize that its better to have an enemy that you know and can take account for themselves, than an enemy who is a non factor on the world playing field. Maybe I'm just drunk and am trying to be profound, but hell I miss the old days when the bad guys had some balls.